Group members:
Ried Smith sss540 [email protected] - group leader
Brent Smith bs2370 [email protected] - back end developer
Lance Ly ljl211 [email protected] - front end developer
Phillip Dominguez pad176 [email protected] - django developer
Riedslist is an ecommerce webiste where users can buy and sell items based on user location. Users will sell directly to one eachother, which will be made possible by the website's location tracking feature.
The user will need to create an account to use for logging in and holding personal data with links to the shopping cart and checkout functions. There will be three seperate account for users to create and log into:
- Buyer
- Seller
- Admin
RiedsList will use Amazon Web service to host the database and manage the virtual server. Django will be used for the software stack, which will be controlled by Python