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RHINE-VAR   Document

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Simplest Usage Example

const defaultValue = {count: 0}
const url = 'ws://localhost:6600/room-0'

const state = rhineProxy(defaultValue, url)

function Counter() {
  const snap = useRhine(state)
  return <div>
    <button onClick={() => state.count-- }> -1 </button>
    <button onClick={() => state.count++ }> +1 </button>

When building a collaborative application using RHINE-VAR, typically, there will only be a single shared RhineVar object in your project.

It can be a complex and large JSON data structure to store all the collaborative information of your project.


The core function used to create a RhineVar object, whose internal data will automatically synchronize with others.

Typically, a project will use it only once, as only one root RhineVar object is needed.

function rhineProxy<T>(defaultValue, connector, overwrite)
Parameter Type Default Description
defaultValue T Default Value
If there is no data for this room on the server, this default value is used as the project's initial value.
connector RhineConnector | string Connector
Pass in a connector object, a WebSocket link, or a simple room name.
When a simple room name is provided, our public server will be used.
For server-related information, please refer to README.
overwrite boolean false Overwrite Mode
Even if there is data on the server, the default value will overwrite the server data. This is mainly used for debugging purposes.
return RhineVar<T> / Root RhineVar
Collaborative variable object, which contains not only collaborative data but also connection-related features.

Default Value will also be returned temporarily before the first connection to the server is established.

The public server can be used for testing, but it does not guarantee performance or security. It is equivalent to accessing the link wss://<room-id>.


A React-specific Hook function used to create snapshots that automatically update the content on the page when the data changes.

Whenever someone modifies this value, the information will be updated on everyone's screen in real-time.

function useRhine<T>(proxy)
Parameter Type Default Description
proxy RhineVar<T> The RhineVar collaborative variable that needs to subscribe for updates, or any node inside it.
return Snapshot<RhineVar<T>> / The snapshot corresponding to the RhineVar.

Note: The returned snapshot is read-only. Please do not perform any operations on it! The snapshot is only for reading data within React's XML. For all other operations (such as assignment or subscription), please operate on the original RhineVar object.

Advanced Guide

Interface for Example

export interface Group {
  id: string
  people: Person[]

export interface Person {
  name: string
  age: number
  description?: string

Create RhineVar object

export interface Group {
  id: string
  people: Person[]

export interface Person {
  name: string
  age: number
  description?: string

Event System

// Basic subscription for changes in the direct properties of the current node
const subscriber: Callback = (key, value, oldValue, type) => {
  console.log('group.subscribe', key, type, ': ', oldValue, '->', value)
group.subscribe(subscriber)  // Subscribe
group.unsubscribe(subscriber)  // Unsubscribe
group.unsubscribeAll()  // Unsubscribe all from the current node

// Subscribe to changes for a specific property
group.subscribeKey('id', (key, value, oldValue, type) => {
  console.log('group.subscribeKey', key, type, ': ', oldValue, '->', value)

// Subscribe to changes in all properties and their descendants
group.subscribeDeep((path, value, oldValue, type) => {
  console.log('group.subscribeDeep', path, type, ': ', oldValue, '->', value)

// Subscriptions can be added to any object or array
group.people[1].subscribe(() => {
  // xxx


// Access or modify it just like in JavaScript
console.log('The first person\'s name:', group.people[0].name)
// LOG: The first person's name: Henry

console.log('Changing group id to group-2') = 'group-2'
// LOG: Changing group id to group-2
// LOG: group.subscribeKey id update :  group-1 -> group-2
// LOG: group.subscribeDeep ['id'] update :  group-1 -> group-2

console.log('Deleting the description property of the first person')
delete group.people[0].description
 * Deleting the description property of the first person
 * group.subscribeDeep ['people', 0, 'description'] delete :  A young man. -> undefined
// Operate on a RhineVar like an Array
console.log('Current number of people in group:', group.people.length)
// LOG: Current number of people in group: 2

console.log('Adding a new member, Jessica')
group.people.push({name: 'Jessica', age: 19})
// LOG: Adding a new member, Jessica
// LOG: group.subscribeDeep ['people', 2] add :  undefined -> Proxy(RhineVarItem){xxx}


// Use .json() to print data without proxy information more clearly
console.log('Current people data:', group.people.json())
// LOG: Current people data: [{…}, {…}, {…}]

// Note, when assigning a new object with " = " in TypeScript, there may be type-checking issues. You can use "as" to modify the type.
group.people[1] = {name: 'Jessica', age: 19} as ProxiedRhineVarItem<Person>  // You can also use "as any"
// LOG: group.subscribeDeep ['people', 1] delete :  {name: 'Emily', age: 22} -> undefined
// LOG: group.subscribeDeep ['people', 1] add :  undefined -> Proxy(RhineVarItem){}

Event System

RhineVar and all its internal nodes can add subscriptions anywhere. Examples of usage can be seen in the "Subscribe to Events" section of the previous block. There are three forms of subscription, detailed as follows.

Type Subscribe Function Unsubscribe Function Unsubscribe All Function Callback Function Type
Base subscribe unsubscribe unsubscribeAll Callback
Key subscribeKey unsubscribeKey unsubscribeAllKey Callback
Deep subscribeDeep unsubscribeDeep unsubscribeAllDeep DeepCallback
Synced subscribeSynced unsubscribeSynced unsubscribeAllSynced SyncedCallback

The subscription and unsubscription functions require passing a corresponding type of callback function.

Base: Subscribe to direct change events of the current node's direct properties
Key: Subscribe to direct change events of a specified property under the current node
Deep: Subscribe to change events of all properties and their descendants within the current node
Synced: Events of state changes synchronized with the server


The information that the callback function for subscription events can provide is as follows, with the first four items being the most commonly used.

Property Type Description
key keyof T The key of the changed property
value T[keyof T] | ProxiedRhineVarItem<T[keyof T]> The new value
oldValue T[keyof T] The old value
type ChangeType The event type
nativeEvent YMapEvent | YArrayEvent Native Yjs event
nativeTransaction Transaction Native Yjs transaction

DeepCallback   extends Callback

The only difference from Callback is that key changes to path. Other properties are not repeated.

Property Type Description
path (string | number)[] The path of the changed property, from the subscribed node to the target property


An enum representing event types, detailed as follows.

Property Value Trigger Object Description
Add add YMap | YArray Triggered when a new property is added
Update update YMap Triggered when a property value is updated
Delete delete YMap | YArray Triggered when a property is removed
Sync sync RhineConnector Triggered upon the first connection

Note that due to Yjs's collaborative algorithm adopting Quill's Delta protocol, when array elements update their values, it will not trigger the Update event. Instead, it will first trigger Delete and then Add, completing the combination.


Callback for state change events synchronized with the server. Provides current synchronization state parameters.

Property Type Description
synced boolean Whether the current state is synchronized with the server


enableRhineVarLog(value: Boolean): void

Enable/disable RhineVar debug output logs. Disabled by default.


enableRhineVarSyncHandshakeCheck(value: Boolean): void

Enable/disable the RhineVar secondary handshake synchronization check. Enabled by default.


More Functions

Additional common methods for RhineVar objects and their internal nodes. Examples of usage can be found in the sections above.

json(): T

Converts the data to JSON format.


afterSynced(callback: () => void): void

Callback triggered after the first data synchronization.

state.afterSynced(() => {


waitSynced(): Promise<void>

A Promise that triggers after the first data synchronization.

await state.waitSynced()

isRoot(): boolean

Determines if the current node is the root node.


root(): RhineVar

Gets the root node.


parent(): RhineVar | null

Gets the parent node.


frozenJson(): T

Even after the Yjs object is removed from the context, the last data can still be retrieved through this function.


string(indent: number = 2): string


getConnector(): WebsocketConnector | null



We provide a simple server example located in the /test/server directory of this project. The server is fully compatible with all Yjs WebSocket servers and will support more in the future.

git clone
cd test/server
yarn install
yarn start

By default, it runs on port 6600, and you can connect to it via ws://localhost:6600/, where can be any string. A room ID corresponds to a RhineVar object.

For more information on server development, refer to: