You can reach me: Linkedin
Skill: SQL, Excel, Power BI,Tableau, Python, Numpy, Pandas, Web Scraping , Plotly, Data Science, Machine Learning, Scikit-learn.
1. Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization of Chicago Divvy bicycle sharing dataset (View , Blog)
- Analyzed Divvy bicycle dataset from Kaggle for 9.3 million+ trips containing 23 columns using Pandas
- Created visualizations (sunburst plots, geo heatmaps, etc.) using Seaborn , Plotly & Folium
- Discovered 99.9% of the rides are subscribers only and 5-10 min rides are the most frequent rides
2. Scraped Amazon’s Top Rated Book details using Requests & BeautifulSoup4 (View ,Blog)
- Scraped top rated books in each genre from website using Requests and BeautifulSoup4
- Extracted data such as book topic, book name, book url, author name, pricing, rating, star rating etc
- Stored data consisting of 1700 rows x 8 columns and into top_rated_books.csv using Pandas
3. Business 360 - Brick & mortar and e-commerce (View)
- Designed a multi-view dashboard in Power BI , gathering sales data from 2 different data sources (MySQL and Excel)
with more than 1M records and performed data modelling.
- Optimised with DAX Studio, resulting in a 5% performance boost and projected 10% revenue growth.
4. Bookshop Analysis Using Excel and Tableau ( Deskboard )
- Analyzed the dataset of 59 books containing different sheets using Pivot Tables,Vlookup in Excel
- Loaded the dataset in tableau and created a dashboard having map, bar plot, packed bubbles etc
- Discovered that the United States has the highest no. of Authors, SciFi is the most popular Book Genre
🌱 I’m currently learning Data Science and Machine Learning
👨💻 All of my projects are available at Jovian Profile
📝 I regularly write articles on Medium
💬 Ask me about MySQL, Python, Statistics, Web scrapping, EDA, Machine Learning
📫 How to reach me [email protected]