Create concrete5 forms using attributes.
Work in progress - not ready for production!
This package uses the concrete5 attribute system and is thus very flexible if need to add new types of form fields. Since version 5.7 of concrete5 hasn't been on the market for very long the list of custom attribute types is limited. We'll update this list in the future:
- Allows you to add static text to give your users hints or additional information about a form field
- Adds a color picker to your forms
- Adds a fileset list to your form
- An attribute where you can restrict the input using a format mask
- An attribute where you can ask for multiple values in a single attribute. Useful to group similar things.
- An attribute for advanced users who are comfortable with HTML. Allows you to create a custom form in an attribute right in the user interface.
- An attribute allowing you to add radio buttons to your form
- An attribute to select multiple files