test #44
102 passed, 15 failed and 0 skipped
❌ tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
117 tests were completed in 2502s with 102 passed, 15 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
Actions with Key List | 2❌ | 134s | ||
Edit Key names verification | 5✅ | 1❌ | 74s | |
Edit Key values verification | 4✅ | 2❌ | 262s | |
Filtering per key name in DB with 10 millions of keys | 1✅ | 1❌ | 155s | |
Hash Key fields verification | 2✅ | 1❌ | 106s | |
JSON Key verification | 2✅ | 1❌ | 171s | |
Large key details verification | 4✅ | 1❌ | 51s | |
List Key multiple value verification | 2❌ | 41s | ||
List Key verification | 1❌ | 22s | ||
List Key verification for db with version <6.2 | 1❌ | 31s | ||
Settings | 1✅ | 1❌ | 13s | |
Tree view verifications for big database | 1✅ | 1❌ | 27s |
❌ Actions with Key List
Verify that key deleted properly from the list
❌ Actions with Key List Verify that key deleted properly from the list
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[starts-with(@data-testid, 'remove-key-luvejujekt')])
Verify that key deleted properly from details
❌ Actions with Key List Verify that key deleted properly from details
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[starts-with(@data-testid, 'remove-key-')])
❌ Edit Key names verification
Verify that user can edit String Key name
✅ Edit Key names verification Verify that user can edit String Key name
Verify that user can edit Set Key name
✅ Edit Key names verification Verify that user can edit Set Key name
Verify that user can edit Zset Key name
✅ Edit Key names verification Verify that user can edit Zset Key name
Verify that user can edit Hash Key name
✅ Edit Key names verification Verify that user can edit Hash Key name
Verify that user can edit List Key name
❌ Edit Key names verification Verify that user can edit List Key name
AssertionError: The creation of new List key request failed: expected 400 to deeply equal 201
Verify that user can edit JSON Key name
✅ Edit Key names verification Verify that user can edit JSON Key name
❌ Edit Key values verification
Verify that user can edit Hash Key field
✅ Edit Key values verification Verify that user can edit Hash Key field
Verify that user can edit Zset Key member
✅ Edit Key values verification Verify that user can edit Zset Key member
Verify that user can edit List Key element
❌ Edit Key values verification Verify that user can edit List Key element
AssertionError: The creation of new List key request failed: expected 400 to deeply equal 201
Verify that user can edit String value
❌ Edit Key values verification Verify that user can edit String value
StaleElementReferenceError: stale element reference: stale element not found in the current frame
Verify that user can edit JSON Key value
✅ Edit Key values verification Verify that user can edit JSON Key value
Verify that user can see the message that data type not currently supported when open any of the unsupported data types
✅ Edit Key values verification Verify that user can see the message that data type not currently supported when open any of the unsupported data types
❌ Filtering per key name in DB with 10 millions of keys
Verify that user can filter per exact key without using any patterns in DB with 10 millions of keys
✅ Filtering per key name in DB with 10 millions of keys Verify that user can filter per exact key without using any patterns in DB with 10 millions of keys
Verify that user can filter per key name using patterns in DB with 10-50 millions of keys
❌ Filtering per key name in DB with 10 millions of keys Verify that user can filter per key name using patterns in DB with 10-50 millions of keys
AssertionError: Keys filtered incorrectly by key type after scanning more: expected 'device_eu-central-1_675_json' to include 'hash'
❌ Hash Key fields verification
Verify that user can search by full field name in Hash
✅ Hash Key fields verification Verify that user can search by full field name in Hash
Verify that user can add field to Hash
✅ Hash Key fields verification Verify that user can add field to Hash
Verify that tab is closed if Hash was deleted from keys list
❌ Hash Key fields verification Verify that tab is closed if Hash was deleted from keys list
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[starts-with(@data-testid, 'remove-key-nuklugudez')])
❌ JSON Key verification
Verify that user can add key with value to any level of JSON structure
✅ JSON Key verification Verify that user can add key with value to any level of JSON structure
Verify that user can not add invalid JSON structure inside of created JSON
✅ JSON Key verification Verify that user can not add invalid JSON structure inside of created JSON
Verify user can delete JSON key
❌ JSON Key verification Verify user can delete JSON key
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[starts-with(@data-testid, 'remove-key-')])
❌ Large key details verification
Verify that user can expand/collapse for sorted set data type
✅ Large key details verification Verify that user can expand/collapse for sorted set data type
Verify that user can expand/collapse for hash data type
✅ Large key details verification Verify that user can expand/collapse for hash data type
Verify that user can expand/collapse for list data type
❌ Large key details verification Verify that user can expand/collapse for list data type
AssertionError: The creation of new List key request failed: expected 400 to deeply equal 201
Verify that user can expand/collapse for set data type
✅ Large key details verification Verify that user can expand/collapse for set data type
Verify that user can download String key value as txt file when it has > 5000 characters
✅ Large key details verification Verify that user can download String key value as txt file when it has > 5000 characters
❌ List Key multiple value verification
Verify that user can edit a multiple fields
❌ List Key multiple value verification Verify that user can edit a multiple fields
AssertionError: The creation of new List key request failed: expected 400 to deeply equal 201
Verify that user can add a multiple fields
❌ List Key multiple value verification Verify that user can add a multiple fields
AssertionError: No notification found with the text: Key has been added: expected false to deeply equal true
❌ List Key verification
"before each" hook for "Verify that user can search List element by index"
❌ List Key verification "before each" hook for "Verify that user can search List element by index"
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //*[@data-testid="key-erkekucnus"])
❌ List Key verification for db with version <6.2
Verify that user can remove only one element for List for Redis v. <6.2
❌ List Key verification for db with version <6.2 Verify that user can remove only one element for List for Redis v. <6.2
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[@data-testid='add-key-button'])
❌ Settings
Verify that user can turn on/off Analytics in Settings in the application
✅ Settings Verify that user can turn on/off Analytics in Settings in the application
Verify that when user changes the delimiter and clicks on Save button delimiter is applied
❌ Settings Verify that when user changes the delimiter and clicks on Save button delimiter is applied
AssertionError: Default uoeuaoe udelimiter not applied: expected ':' to deeply equal 'uaoeu:'
❌ Tree view verifications for big database
Verify that user can see the total number of keys, the number of keys scanned, the “Scan more” control displayed at the top of Tree view
✅ Tree view verifications for big database Verify that user can see the total number of keys, the number of keys scanned, the “Scan more” control displayed at the top of Tree view
Verify that when user deletes the key he can see the key is removed from the folder
❌ Tree view verifications for big database Verify that when user deletes the key he can see the key is removed from the folder
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, (//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'node-item_device')])[2]//*[starts-with(@data-testid, 'folder-')])
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 0th node
Actions with Key List ► Verify that key deleted properly from the list ► Actions with Key List Verify that key deleted properly from the list
Failed test found in:
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[starts-with(@data-testid, 'remove-key-luvejujekt')])
Raw output
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[starts-with(@data-testid, 'remove-key-luvejujekt')])
Wait timed out after 5163ms
at /home/runner/work/Redis-for-VS-Code/Redis-for-VS-Code/tests/e2e/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:913:22
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 0th node
Actions with Key List ► Verify that key deleted properly from details ► Actions with Key List Verify that key deleted properly from details
Failed test found in:
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[starts-with(@data-testid, 'remove-key-')])
Raw output
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[starts-with(@data-testid, 'remove-key-')])
Wait timed out after 5145ms
at /home/runner/work/Redis-for-VS-Code/Redis-for-VS-Code/tests/e2e/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:913:22
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 0th node
Edit Key names verification ► Verify that user can edit List Key name ► Edit Key names verification Verify that user can edit List Key name
Failed test found in:
AssertionError: The creation of new List key request failed: expected 400 to deeply equal 201
Raw output
AssertionError: The creation of new List key request failed: expected 400 to deeply equal 201
at Function.<anonymous> (src/helpers/api/KeyApi.ts:159:29)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (dist/helpers/api/KeyApi.js:5:58)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
+ expected - actual
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 0th node
Edit Key values verification ► Verify that user can edit List Key element ► Edit Key values verification Verify that user can edit List Key element
Failed test found in:
AssertionError: The creation of new List key request failed: expected 400 to deeply equal 201
Raw output
AssertionError: The creation of new List key request failed: expected 400 to deeply equal 201
at Function.<anonymous> (src/helpers/api/KeyApi.ts:159:29)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (dist/helpers/api/KeyApi.js:5:58)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
+ expected - actual
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 0th node
Edit Key values verification ► Verify that user can edit String value ► Edit Key values verification Verify that user can edit String value
Failed test found in:
StaleElementReferenceError: stale element reference: stale element not found in the current frame
Raw output
StaleElementReferenceError: stale element reference: stale element not found in the current frame
(Session info: chrome=128.0.6613.186)
at Object.throwDecodedError (node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/error.js:521:15)
at parseHttpResponse (node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:514:13)
at Executor.execute (node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:446:28)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async Driver.execute (node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:742:17)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 0th node
Filtering per key name in DB with 10 millions of keys ► Verify that user can filter per key name using patterns in DB with 10-50 millions of keys ► Filtering per key name in DB with 10 millions of keys Verify that user can filter per key name using pat...
Failed test found in:
AssertionError: Keys filtered incorrectly by key type after scanning more: expected 'device_eu-central-1_675_json' to include 'hash'
Raw output
AssertionError: Keys filtered incorrectly by key type after scanning more: expected 'device_eu-central-1_675_json' to include 'hash'
at Context.<anonymous> (src/tests/browser/filtering.e2e.ts:435:9)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (dist/tests/browser/filtering.e2e.js:5:58)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 0th node
Hash Key fields verification ► Verify that tab is closed if Hash was deleted from keys list ► Hash Key fields verification Verify that tab is closed if Hash was deleted from keys list
Failed test found in:
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[starts-with(@data-testid, 'remove-key-nuklugudez')])
Raw output
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[starts-with(@data-testid, 'remove-key-nuklugudez')])
Wait timed out after 5162ms
at /home/runner/work/Redis-for-VS-Code/Redis-for-VS-Code/tests/e2e/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:913:22
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 0th node
JSON Key verification ► Verify user can delete JSON key ► JSON Key verification Verify user can delete JSON key
Failed test found in:
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[starts-with(@data-testid, 'remove-key-')])
Raw output
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, //vscode-button[starts-with(@data-testid, 'remove-key-')])
Wait timed out after 5153ms
at /home/runner/work/Redis-for-VS-Code/Redis-for-VS-Code/tests/e2e/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:913:22
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 0th node
Large key details verification ► Verify that user can expand/collapse for list data type ► Large key details verification Verify that user can expand/collapse for list data type
Failed test found in:
AssertionError: The creation of new List key request failed: expected 400 to deeply equal 201
Raw output
AssertionError: The creation of new List key request failed: expected 400 to deeply equal 201
at Function.<anonymous> (src/helpers/api/KeyApi.ts:159:29)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (dist/helpers/api/KeyApi.js:5:58)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
+ expected - actual
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 0th node
List Key multiple value verification ► Verify that user can edit a multiple fields ► List Key multiple value verification Verify that user can edit a multiple fields
Failed test found in:
AssertionError: The creation of new List key request failed: expected 400 to deeply equal 201
Raw output
AssertionError: The creation of new List key request failed: expected 400 to deeply equal 201
at Function.<anonymous> (src/helpers/api/KeyApi.ts:159:29)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (dist/helpers/api/KeyApi.js:5:58)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
+ expected - actual
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 0th node
List Key multiple value verification ► Verify that user can add a multiple fields ► List Key multiple value verification Verify that user can add a multiple fields
Failed test found in:
AssertionError: No notification found with the text: Key has been added: expected false to deeply equal true
Raw output
AssertionError: No notification found with the text: Key has been added: expected false to deeply equal true
at Function.<anonymous> (src/helpers/common-actions/actions/NotificationActions.ts:38:31)
at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
at fulfilled (dist/helpers/common-actions/actions/NotificationActions.js:5:58)
+ expected - actual