#RI-31 - Logical databases #223
8 passed, 9 failed and 0 skipped
❌ tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
17 tests were completed in 93s with 8 passed, 9 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
Add database | 4✅ | 1❌ | 25s | |
Add JSON Key verification | 1❌ | 3s | ||
Filtering per key name | 1❌ | 5s | ||
Filtering per key name in DB with 10 millions of keys | 1❌ | 3s | ||
JSON Key verification | 1❌ | 3s | ||
List Key multiple value verification | 1❌ | 3s | ||
Settings | 1❌ | 5s | ||
Tree view verifications | 1❌ | 5s | ||
TTL values in Keys Table | 1❌ | 3s |
❌ Add database
Verify that user can add Standalone Database
✅ Add database Verify that user can add Standalone Database
Verify that user can add OSS Cluster DB
✅ Add database Verify that user can add OSS Cluster DB
Fields to add database prepopulation
✅ Add database Fields to add database prepopulation
Verify that user can add SSH tunnel with Password for Standalone database
❌ Add database Verify that user can add SSH tunnel with Password for Standalone database
ElementClickInterceptedError: element click intercepted: Element <iframe name="950bc1e1-d963-4fbd-8cf5-952721709b4b" class="webview ready" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-pointer-lock allow-downloads" allow="cross-origin-isolated; autoplay; clipboard-read; clipboard-write" src="vscode-webview://1p656q4eavve35r1ed5ie3pilpeut5vpuurd7fr0qq1nvir0t6uv/index.html?id=950bc1e1-d963-4fbd-8cf5-952721709b4b&origin=106e41c3-995a-48ed-9ba7-1d1d817271a4&swVersion=4&extensionId=Redis.redis-for-vscode&platform=electron&vscode-resource-base-authority=vscode-resource.vscode-cdn.net&parentOrigin=vscode-file%3A%2F%2Fvscode-app" style="border: none; width: 100%; height: 100%; pointer-events: auto;" cd_frame_id_="c45fc87e8252e208377c0bde127fa209"></iframe> is not clickable at point (900, 702). Other element would receive the click: <div class="notification-list-item-message" custom-hover="true">...</div>
Verify that Add database button disabled when mandatory ssh fields not specified
✅ Add database Verify that Add database button disabled when mandatory ssh fields not specified
❌ Add JSON Key verification
"before all" hook for "Verify that user can create different types(string, number, null, array, boolean) of JSON"
❌ Add JSON Key verification "before all" hook for "Verify that user can create different types(string, number, null, array, boolean) of JSON"
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
❌ Filtering per key name
"before all" hook for "Verify that user can search per full key name"
❌ Filtering per key name "before all" hook for "Verify that user can search per full key name"
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
❌ Filtering per key name in DB with 10 millions of keys
"before all" hook for "Verify that user can filter per exact key without using any patterns in DB with 10 millions of keys"
❌ Filtering per key name in DB with 10 millions of keys "before all" hook for "Verify that user can filter per exact key without using any patterns in DB with 10 millions of keys"
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone_big-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
❌ JSON Key verification
"before all" hook for "Verify that user can add key with value to any level of JSON structure"
❌ JSON Key verification "before all" hook for "Verify that user can add key with value to any level of JSON structure"
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
❌ List Key multiple value verification
"before all" hook for "Verify that user can edit a multiple fields"
❌ List Key multiple value verification "before all" hook for "Verify that user can edit a multiple fields"
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
❌ Settings
"before all" hook for "Verify that user can turn on/off Analytics in Settings in the application"
❌ Settings "before all" hook for "Verify that user can turn on/off Analytics in Settings in the application"
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone_big-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
❌ Tree view verifications
"before all" hook for "Verify that if there are keys without namespaces, they are displayed in the root directory after all folders by default in the Tree view"
❌ Tree view verifications "before all" hook for "Verify that if there are keys without namespaces, they are displayed in the root directory after all folders by default in the Tree view"
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
❌ TTL values in Keys Table
"before all" hook for "Verify that Key is deleted if TTL finishes"
❌ TTL values in Keys Table "before all" hook for "Verify that Key is deleted if TTL finishes"
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 3th node
Add database ► Verify that user can add SSH tunnel with Password for Standalone database ► Add database Verify that user can add SSH tunnel with Password for Standalone database
Failed test found in:
ElementClickInterceptedError: element click intercepted: Element <iframe name="950bc1e1-d963-4fbd-8cf5-952721709b4b" class="webview ready" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-pointer-lock allow-downloads" allow="cross-origin-isolated; autoplay; clipboard-read; clipboard-write" src="vscode-webview://1p656q4eavve35r1ed5ie3pilpeut5vpuurd7fr0qq1nvir0t6uv/index.html?id=950bc1e1-d963-4fbd-8cf5-952721709b4b&origin=106e41c3-995a-48ed-9ba7-1d1d817271a4&swVersion=4&extensionId=Redis.redis-for-vscode&platform=electron&vscode-resource-base-authority=vscode-resource.vscode-cdn.net&parentOrigin=vscode-file%3A%2F%2Fvscode-app" style="border: none; width: 100%; height: 100%; pointer-events: auto;" cd_frame_id_="c45fc87e8252e208377c0bde127fa209"></iframe> is not clickable at point (900, 702). Other element would receive the click: <div class="notification-list-item-message" custom-hover="true">...</div>
Raw output
ElementClickInterceptedError: element click intercepted: Element <iframe name="950bc1e1-d963-4fbd-8cf5-952721709b4b" class="webview ready" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-pointer-lock allow-downloads" allow="cross-origin-isolated; autoplay; clipboard-read; clipboard-write" src="vscode-webview://1p656q4eavve35r1ed5ie3pilpeut5vpuurd7fr0qq1nvir0t6uv/index.html?id=950bc1e1-d963-4fbd-8cf5-952721709b4b&origin=106e41c3-995a-48ed-9ba7-1d1d817271a4&swVersion=4&extensionId=Redis.redis-for-vscode&platform=electron&vscode-resource-base-authority=vscode-resource.vscode-cdn.net&parentOrigin=vscode-file%3A%2F%2Fvscode-app" style="border: none; width: 100%; height: 100%; pointer-events: auto;" cd_frame_id_="c45fc87e8252e208377c0bde127fa209"></iframe> is not clickable at point (900, 702). Other element would receive the click: <div class="notification-list-item-message" custom-hover="true">...</div>
(Session info: chrome=128.0.6613.186)
at Object.throwDecodedError (node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/error.js:521:15)
at parseHttpResponse (node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:514:13)
at Executor.execute (node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/http.js:446:28)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async Driver.execute (node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:742:17)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 3th node
Add JSON Key verification ► "before all" hook for "Verify that user can create different types(string, number, null, array, boolean) of JSON" ► Add JSON Key verification "before all" hook for "Verify that user can create different types(string, number,...
Failed test found in:
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Raw output
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Wait timed out after 1036ms
at /home/runner/work/Redis-for-VS-Code/Redis-for-VS-Code/tests/e2e/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:913:22
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 3th node
Filtering per key name ► "before all" hook for "Verify that user can search per full key name" ► Filtering per key name "before all" hook for "Verify that user can search per full key name"
Failed test found in:
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Raw output
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Wait timed out after 1038ms
at /home/runner/work/Redis-for-VS-Code/Redis-for-VS-Code/tests/e2e/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:913:22
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 3th node
Filtering per key name in DB with 10 millions of keys ► "before all" hook for "Verify that user can filter per exact key without using any patterns in DB with 10 millions of keys" ► Filtering per key name in DB with 10 millions of keys "before all" hoo...
Failed test found in:
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone_big-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Raw output
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone_big-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Wait timed out after 1089ms
at /home/runner/work/Redis-for-VS-Code/Redis-for-VS-Code/tests/e2e/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:913:22
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 3th node
JSON Key verification ► "before all" hook for "Verify that user can add key with value to any level of JSON structure" ► JSON Key verification "before all" hook for "Verify that user can add key with value to any level of JSON structure"
Failed test found in:
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Raw output
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Wait timed out after 1038ms
at /home/runner/work/Redis-for-VS-Code/Redis-for-VS-Code/tests/e2e/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:913:22
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 3th node
List Key multiple value verification ► "before all" hook for "Verify that user can edit a multiple fields" ► List Key multiple value verification "before all" hook for "Verify that user can edit a multiple fields"
Failed test found in:
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Raw output
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Wait timed out after 1037ms
at /home/runner/work/Redis-for-VS-Code/Redis-for-VS-Code/tests/e2e/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:913:22
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 3th node
Settings ► "before all" hook for "Verify that user can turn on/off Analytics in Settings in the application" ► Settings "before all" hook for "Verify that user can turn on/off Analytics in Settings in the application"
Failed test found in:
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone_big-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Raw output
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone_big-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Wait timed out after 1089ms
at /home/runner/work/Redis-for-VS-Code/Redis-for-VS-Code/tests/e2e/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:913:22
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 3th node
Tree view verifications ► "before all" hook for "Verify that if there are keys without namespaces, they are displayed in the root directory after all folders by default in the Tree view" ► Tree view verifications "before all" hook for "Verify that if t...
Failed test found in:
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Raw output
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Wait timed out after 1036ms
at /home/runner/work/Redis-for-VS-Code/Redis-for-VS-Code/tests/e2e/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:913:22
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
Check failure on line 0 in tests/e2e/mochawesome-report/junit-report.xml
github-actions / Test results: E2E (linux) 3th node
TTL values in Keys Table ► "before all" hook for "Verify that Key is deleted if TTL finishes" ► TTL values in Keys Table "before all" hook for "Verify that Key is deleted if TTL finishes"
Failed test found in:
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Raw output
TimeoutError: Waiting for element to be located By(xpath, .//div[starts-with(@data-testid, 'database-')][.//*[text()='test_standalone-9v^Eca9@u5']]/..//vscode-button[@data-testid = 'terminal-button'])
Wait timed out after 1038ms
at /home/runner/work/Redis-for-VS-Code/Redis-for-VS-Code/tests/e2e/node_modules/selenium-webdriver/lib/webdriver.js:913:22
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)