- Press Setup
- Press the orange button on top, aka the PGM button
- Press The Poly aftertouch, the button to the left of the white one 3 1/2. Optional change the aftertouch sensitivity to what strength you want it to be, the higher the number the broader the color range
- On the application input for the Launchpad pro is MIDIIN2 (Launchpad Pro)
- On the application output for the Launchpad pro is MIDIIN3 (Launchpad Pro)
Modes: these are the currently working modes
Velocity to light color
user execution - you can write the code for exactly what you want a button to do
Notes: more modes coming soon...
planned mode #2: ability to display bmp images
planned mode #3: ability to play gif's
planned mode #4: tetris
planned mode #5: snake
planned mode #6: Minesweeper
planned mode #7: Audio visualizer
Additional notes: If you have any ideas for more modes to add message me or send a pull request
You need .Net core 3.1 sdk to work on this project. You can get it at https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-core/3.1
run Build.bat to update the .exe in Executable\
refer to https://d2xhy469pqj8rc.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/novation/downloads/10598/launchpad-pro-programmers-reference-guide_0.pdf for more info
Contact me at [email protected] Rubiksmaster#9076
Discord server: https://discord.gg/TDCEccv