This lambda copies a table backed RDS mysql slow query log into Elasticsearch.
It does so by:
1. Calling a stored procedure in RDS to copy the current slow_log table to slow_log_backup ( called mysql.rds_rotate_slow_log )
2. Querying mysql.slow_log_backup
3. Dumping all of that into Elasticsearch
It runs inside a VPC, so you'll need to know a little bit about your VPC, like subnet-ids and vpc-ids
- First you must setup a user in mysql:
GRANT SELECT ON mysql.slow_log to `username`@`%` IDENTIFIED BY 'supersecretpassword';
GRANT SELECT ON mysql.slow_log_backup to `username`@`%`;
GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE mysql.rds_rotate_slow_log to `username`@`%`;
- Now create a secrets file in json format, and encrypt it.
- assuming this as the secrets file,
- assuming this as the secrets file,
"db_host": "",
"username": "scott",
"password": "tiger",
"database": "mysql"
- KMS encrypt that . There's a 🐔/🥚 thing here. you must
serverless deploy
once to create the KMS key and alias
aws kms encrypt --key-id alias/lambda-mysql-slowquerylog-prod --plaintext fileb:///path/to/secret.txt > prod.txt
Allow this lambda's SecurityGroup to connect to RDS via the RDS SecurityGroup
Deploy. Below was my last production deployment
ELASTICSEARCH_URL= SECRET_FILE="./prod.txt" serverless deploy --stage prod --vpc vpc-XXXXX --subnet1 subnet-AAAAAA --subnet2 subnet-BBBBB
- Logs are in CloudWatchLogs
- The ES indices are named
- The _type of the document is