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Binwalk Enterprise API Documentation
Binwalk exposes its data via REST API so that users can interact with Binwalk in a programmatic way. An authenticated user can upload, analyze, and parse results all from a script or application.
Most Binwalk API endpoints require an authentication token.
Each user has a unique token that is used to authenticate API queries so that only your applications access your data securely. You can retrieve your authtoken by logging into Binwalk and navigating to Account Settings in the User dropdown menu.
- authtoken - The API key used to authenticate requests. Note: for API requests made in a web browser in an authenticated session, like the examples on this page, the authtoken is not required.
- uploadFileId - This is how we refer to the files you upload for analysis, whether they are firmware images, tarballs, zip archives, or individual binaries. You will also see this referenced as ufid.
Firmware images scanned by Binwalk can produce a lot of data. Most of the endpoints for fetching data employ the use of server-side pagination to keep responses snappy.
Since these parameters apply to many endpoints, we will define them once here and link to them from the endpoints that apply.
Query parameters used for controlling pagination
Parameter | Type | Description |
limit | Number | Limit the number of results that are fetched per page for a query. Use with page parameter. Default value: 10 |
page | Number | Return a specific page of results for the query. Default value: 1 |
offset | Number | Some API endpoints use an offset rather than page number for more fine-grained pagination control. Default value: 1 |
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/endpoint?limit=3&page=2"
The paginated data will come back with a total count of results and an array containing the current page of results
"count": 19,
"results": [
"id": 4,
"path": "/bin/busybox"
"id": 5,
"path": "/bin/ls"
"id": 6,
"path": "/sbin/ifconfig"
- Try it out! Here's a quick example that shows how to use the API to detect which firmware images(ufids) are finishing processing.
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authentication token |
Send the Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/upload?authtoken=TOKEN"
Custom Pagination Values
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/upload?authtoken=TOKEN&limit=5&page=2"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
finishedAt | String | Timestamp of completed report, or null if the firmware is still being analyzed |
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"count": 22,
"results": [
"finishedAT": "2018-09-04T19:55:59.000Z"
"id": 22,
"finishedAt": null
# See below for the types of error responses you might see from the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken. |
FileNotFoundError | The requested file could not be found. |
UserPermissionDeniedError | You do not have permission to access/alter this resource. |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found. |
InvalidUploadFileError | The ufid parameter must be a number. |
Invalid user
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not Specified"
File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 File Not Found
"error":"File not Found"
Permission Denied
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
"error":"Permission denied"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload File not Found"
Invalid Upload File ID
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"ufid parameter must be a number"
Upload a firmware image to be analyzed.
**Example Usage**
curl -X POST \
-F "file=@path/to/firmware.img" \
-F "vendor=Linksys" \
-F "device=WRT54G" \
-F "version=6.0" \
-F "description=Custom build 123" \
Upload via url
curl -X POST \
-F "url=https://publicly/accessible/firmware.bin" \
-F "vendor=Linksys" \
-F "device=WRT54G" \
-F "version=6.0" \
-F "description=Custom build 123" \
Field | Type | Description |
file | file | Firmware image file being uploaded |
url (optional) | String | A link to the firmware image you want to upload. May be used instead of file |
vendor | String | Vendor/Manufacturer name |
device | String | Device/Model name |
Version | String | Firmware version string |
description (optional) | String | Optional user-defined description for the uploaded firmware image |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | The upload file ID (ufid) assigned to the firmware image |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"ufid": 398
Upload a large firmware image to be analyzed. The file should be spit into "chunks" and each chunk should be sent by a separate call to this endpoint. Additional metadata is required in order for the server to reassemble the file after all the chunks have been uploaded. For example, a 5MB firmware image will require 3 separate calls to this endpoint using chunk size of 2MB.
Example usage
# sending the 2nd chunk out of 3
-F "file=@path/to/firmware.img.chunk.2" \
-F "vendor=Linksys" \
-F "device=WRT54G" \
-F "version=6.0" \
-F "description=Custom build 123" \
-F "dzuuid=29eb1e9d-fcb2-40b3-88e8-340c39f0f8b7" \
-F "dzchunkindex=1" \
-F "dztotalfilesize=4829328" \
-F "dzchunksize=2000000" \
-F "dztotalchunkcount=3" \
-F "dzchunkbyteoffset=2000000" \
Download a file extracted from the firmware image.
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload file ID |
exid | Number | Extraction ID |
path | string | Path to the desired file within the extraction directory for this ufid. This value may contain / but but it may be helpful to URI encode this value, especially for filenames with unicode characters |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
<binary file content>
Download an uploaded firmware image from Binwalk.
Example Usage
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/upload/1234?authtoken=TOKEN" > newfile.img
curl -O -J "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/upload/1234?authtoken=TOKEN"
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload file ID |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
<binary file contents>
Request details for an uploaded firmware image including user-supplied metadata, file size and finished time.
Example Usage
curl "https://centrifuge/refirmlabs.com/api/upload/details/1234?authtoken=TOKEN"
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload file ID |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
id | Number | Upload file ID(or ufid) |
originalFilename | String | The filename of the uploaded file |
vendor | String | User-Provided Vendor name |
device | String | User-Provided device name |
version | String | User-provided version string |
description | String | User-provided description |
createdAt | String | The time the firmware image was uploaded |
updatedAt | String | The last time the file status was updated |
finishedAt | String | The time the firmware scan was completed, or null if the scan is still in progress |
extractedSize | Number | The total size on disk of all the extracted files from the firmware image, or null if the firmware is still extracting |
fileCount | Number | The number of files extracted from the firmware image |
regularFileCount | Number | The number of regular files extracted from the firmware image (not symbolic links, directories, device files, etc) |
executableFileCount | Number | The number of ELF executables extracted from the firmware image |
fileSize | Number | Size(in bytes) of the uploaded firmware image |
md5sum | String | The MD5 hash of the uploaded firmware image |
analysisTimeInMilliseconds | Number | Number of milliseconds it took to scan the firmware image |
analysisTimeInSeconds | Number | Number of seconds it took to scan the firmware image |
User | Object | Metadata about the user that uploaded the firmware image |
id | Number | The user ID |
username | String | The Binwalk login name of the user |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": 49,
"userId": 42,
"originalFilename": "firmware.img",
"createdAt": "2018-12-07T08:09:32.000Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-12-07T08:10:01.000Z",
"finishedAt": "2018-12-07T08:10:01.000Z",
"vendor": "Linksys",
"device": "WRT54G",
"version": "6.0",
"description": "Custom build 123",
"extractedSize": 2414241,
"fileCount": 17,
"regularFileCount": 12,
"executableFileCount": 2,
"fileSize": 49772,
"md5sum": "12345678901234567890123456789012",
"analysisTimeInMilliseconds": 290000,
"analysisTimeInSeconds": 290,
"User": {
"id": 42,
"username": "[email protected]",
}, {
Request the list of extractions IDs(exids) for an uploaded firmware. For every container-type file(zip, tar, bin, img, etc) from which Binwalk was able to upack other files, it assigns an ID number to track and organize the resulting extracted files.
Field | Type | Descirption |
ufid | Number | Upload file ID |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
exid | Number | The extraction ID |
md5sum | String | The md5 hash of the file that was extracted |
path | String | The path within Binwalk storage for the file that was extracted |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"exid": 0,
"md5sum": "431db022e249585eff4546d53f07c6af",
"path": "firmware.bin"
"exid": 1,
"md5sum": "0aa752041893792a136d3b969d10b903",
"path": "/0/original"
"exid": 2,
"md5sum": "3098134feb119a08c92746591bbea925",
"path": "/1/img-0_vol-rootfs_ubifs.ubifs"
Request the list of kernel version strings found, along with the files in which they were discovered.
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload file ID |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
path | String | The path to the extracted file in which the kernel version string was found. |
kernelVersionString | String | The kernel version string |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"path": "/1/70",
"kernelVersionString": "Linux kernel version 2.6.33"
Request the list of kernel version strings found, along with the files in which they were discovered.
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload file ID |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
rootfsDirectoryPath | String | An extracted path identified as a root file system directory |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Request a list of all your uploaded firmware images.
Example Usage
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/upload?authtoken=TOKEN"
Fetch 10 at a time
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/upload?limit=10&offset=10&authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The total number of results for the query |
results | Object | List of status for all uploaded files |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"count": 49,
"id": 1,
}, {
"id": 2,
Sometimes, especially for very large uploads, a firmware scan can fail to change to complete status. In some cases this can happen even if it successfully performed all analysis. This endpoint allows the user to force the specified scan to be marked as finished so it moves out of the "In progress" list of reports. Note this does not affect extraction or analysis, so even if a report is marked as finished prematurely it won't prevent the remainder of analysis for that report.
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | The report ID to be marked as finished |
timestamp (Optional) | String | Optional timestamp to set as the finish date of the scan. Formatted like "169-12-31 23:59:59". Defaults to current time. |
Example Usage
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"ufid": 1234}' "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/upload/finished?authtoken=TOKEN"
Example usage with timestamp
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"ufid": 1234, "timestamp": "1969-12-31 23:59:59"}' "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/upload/finished?authtoken=TOKEN"
HTTP/1.1 204 OK
Possible Error Responses for the API
|InvalidUserError|The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken|
|UploadFileNotFoundError|The requested upload file could not be found|
**Invalid User**
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
Change properties of an existing upload file.
Example Usage
curl -X PUT \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"version": "6.0-b"}' \
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload file ID |
userID (optional) | Number | New user ID |
vendor (optional) | String | New vendor name |
device (optional) | String | New device model name |
version (optional) | String | New firmware version |
description (optional) | String | New description |
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Example Usage
curl -X PUT \
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload file ID |
HTTP/1.1 204 OK
Deletes an uploaded firmware image from Binwalk along with all of its analysis data.
Example Usage
curl -X DELETE \
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload file ID |
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Request Guardian analyzer details for a specific analyzer ID
Field | Type | Description |
id | Number | The Guardian analyzer ID to query |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/analyzers/123?authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
id | Number | The ID of the Guardian analyzer |
latest | Boolean | Flag indicating that this analyzer version is the latest for this vulnerability |
name | String | Name of the vulnerability |
type | String | The type of analyzer. Allowed values:CVE |
queue | String | The internal analyzer group name |
version | String | The version of the Guardian analyzer |
ctx | Object | Additional data specific to this analyzer |
affects | String | The software component affected by the vulnerability |
cwe_description | String | Short description of the vulnerability category |
cwe_id | Number | The CWE ID of the vulnerability |
cvss_v2_severity | Number | The CVSS v2 severity of the vulnerability |
cvss_v3_severity | Number | The CVSS v3 severity of the vulnerability. The version reported in Binwalk is the greater of either the v2 or v3 severity scores |
description | String | Detailed description of the vulnerability |
references | Object | A list of URLs related to the vulnverability |
remediation | String | Remdiation steps for eliminating the vulnerability |
schema_version | String | The version of the ctx schema used to describe this analyzer |
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": 1,
"latest": false,
"name": "CVE-2011-3601",
"type": "cve",
"queue": "radvd",
"version": "1.0.0",
"ctx": {
"remediation": "Upgrade dnsmasq to 1.82 or later.",
"cwe_id": 119,
"schema_version": "1.0.0",
"cvss_v2_severity": 7.5,
"description": "Buffer overflow in the process_ra function in the router advertisement daemon (radvd) before 1.8.2 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code or cause a denial of service (crash) via a negative value in a label_len value.",
"cvss_v3_severity": null,
"references": [
"affects": "radvd",
"cwe_description": "Denial of Service Execute Code Overflow"
}, {
Request a list of Guardian analyzer details containing related CVE information.
Field | Type | Description |
limit (optional) | Number | Return this many items per query. Use with 'offset' parameter. Default value:All |
offset (optional) | Number | Return 'limit' results starting at this offset. Default value:1. |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/analyzers?authtoken=TOKEN"
Fetch 10 at a time
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/analyzers?limit=10&offset=10&authtoken=TOKEN
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The total number of results for the query |
results | Object | List of Guardian analyzer details. |
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"count": 423,
"id": 11,
}, {
Request a list of Guardian vulnerabilities for the given ufid.
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload file ID |
affected (optional) | Boolean | Return only vulnerable results |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/12/analyzer-results?authtoken=TOKEN"
Fetch 10 at a time
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/12/analyzer-results?limit=10&offset=10&authtoken=TOKEN
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The total number of results for the query |
results | Object | List of vulnerabilities found by Guardian |
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"count": 423,
"id": 1,
}, {
**Example Usage**
# fetch Guardian vulnerability id 790 for ufid 12
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/12/analyzer-results/790?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload file ID |
id | Number | Guardian vulnerability result ID number |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
id | Number | Analyzer Result id |
ufid | Number | Upload file id of the analyzed file |
exid | Number | Extraction id of the analyzed file |
filepath | String | Path to analyzed file |
startTime | String | Time that analyzer began processing(UTC) |
updatedTime | String | Time that analyzer was last updated(UTC) |
finishedTime | String | Time that analyzer completed processing(UTC) |
affected | Boolean | Indicates if analyzer found a matching vulnerability |
analyzer | Object | Details about the Guardian vulnerability found |
analyzer_id | Number | Id of the analyzer that produced the result |
analyzerVersion | String | Internal version of the analyzer that produced the result |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Request a summary of Guardian vulnerabilities for the given ufid.
|ufid|Number|Upload file ID|
**Example Request**
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/analyzer-results/summaries?authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
results | Object | An object containing the tally of vulnerabilities by CVSS severity score for this ufid |
files_scanned | Number | The number of files scanned by Guardian for this ufid |
files_vulnerable | Number | The number of files flagged by Guardian as vulnerable for this ufid |
analyzers_run | Number | The number of Guardian analyzers run for this ufid |
analyzers_vulnerable | Number | The number of Guardian analyzers that found at least one vulnerability for this ufid |
Last_scanned | Number | The timestamp for the most recent Guardian scan activity for this ufid |
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"results": {
"none": 0,
"low": 0,
"medium": 0,
"high": 0,
"critical": 0
"files_scanned": 0,
"files_vulnerable": 0,
"analyzers_run": 0,
"analyzers_vulnerable": 0,
"last_scanned": null
Get a list of all the executable files found to have patterns of insecure code. The flaws detected in these binaries could lead to errors, crashes, or even exploitation of the device.
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/1234/vulnerable-files?authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | Total number of (filtered) results for the query |
results | Object[] | List of result objects |
basename | Number | The base filename of the reported file |
commandInjectionCount | Number | The number of flaws detected that could potentially lead to command injection detected |
connectionCount | Number | The number of networking system calls detected in the file. This number is not counted towards the total number of flaws but is still interesting to report, especially if this executable file should not be doing anything on the network |
createdAt | String | Creation timestamp of this analysis result |
emulatedFunctionCount | Number | The number of critical flaws detected in the file via emulation. This number is not counted towards the total number of flaws because it is usually a subset of the command injection and buffer overflow flaws detected by static analysis |
extractionId | Number | The exid for this result |
fullpath | String | The path that can be used within the Binwalk API to reference this analyzed file |
id | Number | The ID of this analysis result |
overflowCount | Number | The number of flaws detected that could potentially lead to buffer overflow |
path | String | The path of the analyzed file, relative to its extraction ID |
tainted | Boolean | Indicator of vulnerable call arguments being influenced by the calling function |
updatedAt | String | Result update timestamp |
uploadFileId | Number | The ufid for this result |
Example Result
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"count": 52,
"results": [
"basename": "busybox",
"commandInjectionCount": 2,
"connectionCount": 13,
"createdAt": "2018-08-27T19:32:15.000Z",
"emulatedFunctionCount": 5,
"extractionId": 3,
"fullpath": "/3/squashfs-root/bin/busybox",
"id": 724,
"overflowCount": 20,
"path": "/squashfs-root/bin/busybox",
"totalFlaws": 22,
"updatedAt": "2018-08-27T19:33:09.000Z",
"uploadFileId": 1234
}, {
Request a list of coe flaws that were identified(via function-level emulation) as having a high probability of being vulnerable.
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
exid | Number | Extraction ID of path |
path | String | File path that was analyzed |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/1234/emulated-files/1?authtoken=TOKEN&path=/bin/busybox"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The total number of (filtered) results for the query |
results | Object[] | List of result objects |
byteOffset | Number | The offset of the emulated function |
call | Boolean | The flawed function call that could be vulnerable to attack |
createdAt | String | Result creation timestamp |
extractionId | Number | The exid for this result |
id | number | The ID of this result |
path | String | The path of the analyzed file |
tainted | Boolean | Indicator of vulnerable call arguments being influenced by the calling function |
type | String | The type of vulnerability. Allowed Values: overflow, cmd_injection |
updatedAt | String | Result update timestamp |
uploadFileId | Number | The ufid for this result |
caller | Object | The calling function that was emulated to identify the flawed call |
createdAt | String | Result creation timestamp |
functionName | String | The name of the calling function |
id | Number | The id of the calling function |
updatedAt | String | Result update timestamp |
vulnerableEmulatedCallId | Number | The id of the critical flaw result |
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"count": 423,
"results": [
"byteOffset": 4000000,
"call": "strcpy(0x800200, 'AAAA')",
"caller": {
"createdAt": "2018-07-16T19:13:15.000Z",
"functionName": "main",
"id": 417,
"updatedAt": "2018-07-16T19:13:15.000Z",
"createdAt": "2018-07-16T19:13:15.000Z",
"extractionId": 1,
"id": 1,
"tainted": true,
"type": "overflow",
"path": "/bin/busybox",
"updatedAt": "2018-07-16T19:13:15.000Z",
"uploadFileId": 1234,
}, {
Example Usage
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/1234/vulnerable-files/12?path=usr/sbin/httpd?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
exid | Number | Extraction ID |
Path | String | File Path |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
Count | number | The total number of (filtered) results for the query |
results | Object[] | List of result objects |
callType | String | The type of vulnerability this call has been identified under. Allowed values: "overflow", "cmd_injection", "connection". Oveflow: there is a potential that a stack-based buffer could be overflown. Command injection: there is a potential that a user may supply malicious shell commands that will be executed. Connection: this function call makes the process accessible via the network. |
createdAt | String | Creation timestamp of this analysis result |
extractionId | Number | The exid for this file |
id | Number | The Id of this analysis result |
offset | Number | the decimal offset of the flaw within the file |
path | String | The path of the file relative to its extraction ID |
symbolicOffset | String | The symbol name and offset where the flawed code was found |
updatedAt | String | the last time this analysis result was updated |
uploadFileId | Number | The ufid for this file |
vulnerableCall | String | The function call being reported as flawed |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"count": 16,
"results": [
"callType": "connection",
"createdAt": "2018-12-07T12:09:59.000Z",
"extractionId": 5,
"id": 77134,
"offset": 4222228,
"path": "/ext-root/bin/dnsmasq",
"symbolicOffset": "find_all_interfaces+54",
"updatedAt": "2018-12-07T08:09:59.000Z",
"uploadFileId": 449
"vulnerableCall": "socket(2, 1, $zero);",
Request an analysis artifact for download based on id. An artifact is an object extracted or derived from a file in order to perform further analysis. Examples of artifacts are PKI certificates or private keys that may have been located in .pem files or embedded within other binaries.
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
artifactId | Number | Artifact ID |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/1/artifacts/1234?authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
The | Data | artifact data |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
Request analysis statistics for the file identified by filePatId.
Example Usage
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/statistics/1234/12?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
filePathId | Number | File Path ID |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
filePathId | Number | File Path ID |
risk | Number | CSP-determined risk value; larger value=higher risk |
overflowCount | Number | Number of potential buffer overflows |
commandInjectionCount | Number | Number of potential command line injections |
maxEmulatedFunctionCount | Number | Maximum number of emulated functions called in a dynamic analysis session |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"ufid" : "5",
"exid" : "1",
"filePathId" : "338",
"risk" : 1,
"overflowCount" : 1,
"commandInjectionCount" : 0,
"maxEmulatedFunctionCount" : 0
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Request binary hardening analysis results found in the firmware image identified by ufid.
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
format (optional) | String | Output format for the results. Default value:json Allowed Value: json, csv |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/1234/binary-hardening?authtoken=TOKEN"
Fetch 50 at a time
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/1234/binary-hardening?limit=50&offset=0&authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
Count | Number | The total number of binary hardening results |
results | Object[] | List of binary hardening results(paginated) |
Success Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserErrror | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken. |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
Request a list of PKI certificates discovered in the firmware.
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
isAuthorities (Optional) | Boolean | Include Certificate Authority Certs(default:true) |
isIntermediate (Optional) | Boolean | Include Intermediate Autherity Certs(default:true) |
isSelfSigned (optional) | Boolean | Include Self Signed Certs(default:true) |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/crypto/12/certificates?authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The total number of results for the query |
results | Object[] | List of certificates discovered |
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"rflid": "2eb9e0ec-a45c-492d-8cb3-a0a1880384b0",
"subject": {
"commonName": "Joe User",
"organizationName": "XySSL",
"organizationalUnitName": null,
"emailAddress": null
"issuer": {
"commonName": "XySSL Test CA",
"organizationName": "XySSL",
"organizationalUnitName": null,
"emailAddress": null
"keySize": 2048,
"keyAlgorithm": "rsaEncryption",
"displayKeyAlgorithm": "RSA Encryption",
"keyData": "MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEArgyq69aVU5sGe2nsShO6JE2yW9TP4fZO/X2ImRrpTpqJqxAztGCJvJqsj2pDxij0Tv/eRT631ciXJG+DOfKGIQF6Sy56vPraipyYFEJkDq0ips7XjfkWhnqmJ8XrsCGCMUo3kfUub3yqOY9CnimpA0LaxNKmiuPkIkK8vZsINTx4hK8ZxalcqV5KTGze63IyIxTUqgFWHMYGd6CZn6l/hSE2jmNRCHkJzATUKJB10meICzeTtFRdGKFAPpVqI3QSbU/AgUNdv3MSQufXLSYucTL3HYI2zb8Y9948Lzsvk5LMUTuI4Nr9ore7OBi9321UZP0cz/xKBq8LSnjW6dIquQIDAQAB",
"keyHash": "13f0d25eaffc4db91a4c9e66526742c49932ad0f5268802fd079b1caa3fad1ea",
"validityStart": "1157638053000",
"validityEnd": "1189174053000",
"serialNumber": "15246786378589513302",
"signatureAlgorithm": "sha1WithRSAEncryption",
"displaySignatureAlgorithm": "SHA-1 with RSA Encryption",
"fingerprint": "26:60:c4:9d:12:ff:ee:7e:63:ba:d8:7a:a6:4e:a8:dd:5a:04:68:c2:f0:7f:6c:96:81:a9:59:f9:6b:a6:85:02",
"paths": [
"isAuthority": false,
"isSelfSigned": false,
"isIntermediate": false,
"privateKey": {
"rflid": "84a71481-0ef4-4aae-a5c6-39ae9c4bc547"
"artifactStorageId": 5,
"privateKeyHash": "aff99f4147a296705b9a20832de53977cb696d610e8ea55826cb9c5211cdd368",
"publicKeyHash": "13f0d25eaffc4db91a4c9e66526742c49932ad0f5268802fd079b1caa3fad1ea",
"keySize": 2048,
"paths": [
"createdAt": "1569583795000",
"updatedAt": "1569583795000"
}, {
Request a comparison of password hashes between uploaded files.
Example Usage
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/passwordhash/1234/compare?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}&compareWith={COMPAREWITH}&offset={OFFSET}&limit={LIMIT}"
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
compareWith | Number | Upload File ID to compare against {ufid} |
offset | Number | Offset from which to begin returning results |
limit | Number | Number of results to be returned |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
Count | Number | Number of total results available |
passwordHashes | Object[] | An array of PasswordHashDifferences |
Field | Type | Description |
annotations | String | A string informing as to whether or not the PasswordHash was removed("removed"), added("added"), or remains unchanged("") |
passwordHashes | Object[] | An array of PasswordHashDifference objects |
Field | Type | Description |
context | String | Context in which the password hash was found |
hash | String | The password hash |
salt | String | The hash salt |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"count": 2,
"passwordHashes": [
"annotations": "removed",
"passwordHash": {
"context": "bf7de88b:5663d2a1:9c013c10279e5d4f94428c3a8fc69597",
"hash": "9c013c10279e5d4f94428c3a8fc69597",
"salt": "5663d2a1"
"annotations": "added",
"passwordHash": {
"context": "bc3bf86964:3391f771:4cf0ed8641cfcbbf46784e620a0316fb",
"hash": "4cf0ed8641cfcbbf46784e620a0316fb",
"salt": "3391f771"
Request a list of private keys discovered in the firmware.
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
type | String | Select the type of private key to search for. Allowed Values:ssh,cert. |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/crypto/12/privateKeys?authtoken=TOKEN"
Fetch only SSL Cert Private Keys
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/crypto/12/privateKeys?authtoken=TOKEN&type=cert"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The total number of results for the query |
results | Object[] | List of certificates discovered |
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"count": 5
"rflid": "25d9cee6-050e-4eca-9379-d81c8b600a9b",
"artifactStorageId": 4,
"privateKeyHash": "040b41d1eb8ed6c6a17b2ca3d200fa7190d6e1452feb9bc54df3d2cee97dd74b",
"publicKeyHash": "01943cf22e54ef2b8caaa49b23e6a34462f20879f22c84565e20692917bbb043",
"keySize": 2048,
"pairedObject": {
"subject": {
"commonName": "localhost",
"organizationName": "XySSL"
"rflid": "8a8d0d8a-bbe4-4cf9-8bac-93472d4823c7",
"paths": [
"displayKeyAlgorithm": "RSA Encryption",
"keySize": 2048
"createdAt": "1569583794000",
"updatedAt": "1569583794000"
Request a list of Public Keys discovered in the firmware.
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Type | Description |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
Type | String | Select the type of public key to search for. Allowed values:ssh,pem |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/crypto/12/publicKeys?authtoken=TOKEN"
Request only SSH public keys
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/crypto/12/publicKeys?authtoken=TOKEN&type=ssh"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The total number of results for the query |
results | Object[] | List of certificates discovered |
Example Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"count": 5
"rflid": "569d8675-c3ce-4ba6-abc3-d958fc3e6b9d",
"userName": null,
"keySize": 1024,
"displayKeyAlgorithm": "RSA",
"type": "SSH",
"modulus": "9a:56:1e:b7:45:0b:86:33:59:d1:05:99:4e:b6:d0:34:95:56:b6:4b:2f:e0:db:1d:84:28:f7:36:59:94:24:1b:7c:75:05:17:a3:70:ca:52:87:65:84:88:0d:4e:4a:ab:7c:41:24:c8:7b:00:ca:a0:88:09:e8:9f:4b:61:fe:9b:04:97:9f:5a:f3:a4:b4:a8:59:8b:0c:34:e9:6d:5d:ad:90:26:79:33:7b:b9:96:db:29:c0:a3:4e:8e:ff:fd:d4:55:5d:6b:c4:92:6b:3f:3c:4a:92:75:93:b4:58:80:31:85:7c:9c:9a:98:7a:34:3d:9a:ca:94:9c:86:da:67:bd",
"privateKey": {
"rflid": "8bf6d774-c29d-469d-992d-5722641dd8f3",
"artifactStorageId": 1,
"privateKeyHash": "1522dd56a696a8444ccc98e04ace914855d94a1f6c0f06dc428ba707dac86d06",
"keyAlgorithm": "rsaEncryption",
"displayKeyAlgorithm": "RSA",
"keySize": 1024,
"paths": [
"paths": [
}, {
Request crypto keys found in the firmware image identified by ufid.
Example usage
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/crypto/1234?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
hashes | Object | An array of hashes |
passwords | Object | An array of passwords |
keys | Object | An array of certificates |
Key Certificate
Field | Type | Description |
private | Boolean | True if this is the private key for an asymmetric keypair; false if it is public |
keyText | String | Decoded certificate data |
selfSigned | Boolean | True if this is a self-signed certificate; false otherwise |
filePath | String | The location of this key in the extracted file system |
keyData | String | the raw data of this key file |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"hashes" : [],
"passwords" : [],
"keys" : [
"private" : false,
"keyText" : "Certificate:\n Data:\n Version: 3 (0x2)...",
"selfSigned" : true,
"filePath" : "/etc/certs/server.pem",
"keyData" : "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDXDCCA..."
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
Request extended details for an extracted file.
Example Usage:
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/filesystem/1234/1/filedetails?&filepath=/usr/lib/libcurl-1.so.0.0&authtoken=TOKEN"
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
exid | Number | Extraction ID |
authtoken | String | Authentication Token |
filepath | String | The file path for which to retrieve extended details(url encoded) |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
file | Object | An object containing extended details of the requested file |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id": 1234567,
"ufid": 1234,
"userId": 42,
"groupId": 42,
"basename": "libcurl-1.so.0.0",
"path": "/extractions/1/usr/lib/libcurl-1.so.0.0",
"size": "4321",
"sha256sum": "a8b2194df67d3d170dab5f561a4c1d9cb95eaf605194132d5c7144c3ffe5ba8d",
"mode": null,
"MimeType": {
"type": "application/x-sharedlib",
"encoding": "charset=binary"
"createdAt": "1578998290000",
"updatedAt": "1578998290000"
Request a listing of files for the specified extraction id and directory path.
Example Usage
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/filesystem/1234/1?dirpath=%2Fusr%2Flocal&authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
exid | Number | Extraction ID |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
dirpatch (Optional) | String | The directory to retrieve within this extracted file(url encoded). Default value:%2F |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
files | Object | An array of file descriptors in the requested dirpath for ufid+exid |
File Descriptor
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | A unique identifier for the file |
text | String | The basename for the file |
children | Boolean | true if this file is a directory; false otherwise |
type | String | Allowed values:"directory", "file", "symlink", "archive" |
exid | Integer | The extraction id to which this file belongs |
path | String | The path to this file relative to the extraction directory |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id" : "12B0,
"type" : "directory",
"text" : "squashfs-root",
"children" : true,
"exid" : 2,
"path" : "/2/squashfs-root"
}, {
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
Invalid User
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
Request password hashes identified throughout the extracted file system.
Example Usage
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/passwordhash/1234?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
filepathID | Number | File Path ID |
file | String | Path to file represented by filePathID |
algorithmID | String | The algorithm identifier string 'man 3 crypt' |
algorithmName | String | The human-readable algorithm name(if known) |
context | String | The original, full line of text, wherein this password hash was found |
hash | String | The isolated password hash |
salt | String | The isolated hashing salt |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"algorithmId": "algoIdString",
"algorithmName": "Algorithm Name",
"context": "Full line of text where $algoIdString$salt$hash was found",
"file": "path/to/file",
"filePathId": 0,
"hash": "hash",
"salt": "salt",
"ufid": 0
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
FileNotFoundError | The requested file cannot be found |
UserPermissionDeniedError | You do not have permission to access/alter this resource |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Invalid Upload File ID
HTTP/1.1 404 File Not Found
"error":"File not found"
Permission Denied
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
"error":"Permission denied"
Request the top level listing of extracted files for the specified upload file id.
Example Usage
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/filesystem/1234?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
files | Object | An array of file descriptors in the requested dirpath for ufid |
File Descriptor
Field | Type | Description |
id | String | A unique identifier for the file |
text | String | The basename for the file |
children | Boolean | true if this file is a directory; false otherwise |
type | String | Allowed values:"directory", "file", "symlink", "archive" |
exid | Integer | The extraction id to which this file belongs |
path | String | The path to this file relative to the extraction directory |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"id" : "1A82,
"type" : "directory",
"text" : "originalUploadFile.bin",
"children" : true,
"exid" : 1,
"path" : "/1"
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
retrieve security checklist from a report.
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID of the report |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/SecurityChecklist/1234?authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
AnalyzerResults | Object[] | When Populated, points to the vulnerable file(s) detected when a test did not pass |
key | String | A simple descriptor for the failed test results |
value | String | The value presented as the test failure(for example, a vulnerable file path) |
Analyzer | Object | Metadata about the test |
name | String | A unique identifier for the checklist test. Combined with the version, this presents a unique identifier |
version | Number | The version of this analyzer. Versions are simple incrementing integers per test analyzer |
references | String[] | A list of urls to give supporting detail about the test |
remediation | String | Curated advice on what steps, if any, should be taken to mitigate the vulnerability |
type | String | The category of the test performed(eg. "exploit" or "backdoor") |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
Request a list of all the components that Binwalk has detectors for.
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/components?authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The total number of results |
results | Object[] | List of all components |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
- Retrieve the Software Bill of Materials
Request Software Bill of Materials(SBOM) information for the firmware image, including the names and versions of each detected component.
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
format (Otpional) | String | Output format for the results |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/1234/sbom?authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The total number of SBOM results |
results | Object[] | List of SBOM components |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
Handle ajax search requests and return a list of parent nodes.
Example usage
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/filesystem/search/1234?str=httpd&authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
str (optional) | String | The case-insensitive, partial pattern to find in file/dir names. Default value: pattern |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
files | Object | An array of path node ids, including all parent paths leading up to the matched results |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
["/etc/init.d", "/etc", "/", "/sbin"]]
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken. |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
Retrieve a quick high level summary of the Security Checklist tests performed for a firmware image.
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID of the report |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/SecurityChecklist/1234/threatCount?authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
threatcount | Number | The number of tests that failed |
issuesFound | Boolean | A boolean flag indicating if any tests failed |
status | String | The processing status for the Security Checklist in this report. Allowed values: ready, queued, dequeued, finished |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
Compare the security checklist results from the report {ufid} against the results from another report provided as a query parameter.
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID of the "current" report. All results will be in the reference to this |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
compareWith | Number | Upload file ID of the older report to compare against |
authtoken | String | User authentoken |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/SecurityChecklist/1234/compare?compareWith=1229&authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The total number of tests that were run for the Security Checklist |
items | Object[] | List of Security Checklist results with embedded metadata indicating whether the test was added, removed, or modified from the {compareWith} report to the current {ufid} report |
summary | Object | High level statistics of the binary hardening differences between the two reports |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
UploadFileNotFound | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
Compare the binary hardening analysis results from the report {ufid} against the results from anothe report provided as a query parameter.
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID of the "current" report. All results will be in reference to this |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
compareWith | Number | Upload File ID of the "compared" report |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Example Reqiest
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/1234/binary-hardening/compare?compareWith=1229&authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The total number of binary hardening results |
items | Object[] | List of binary hardening results with embedded metadata indicating whether the file was added, removed, or modified between the {compareWith} report and the current {ufid} report |
summary | Object | High level statistics of the binary hardening differences between the two reports |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
InvalidUserError | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
Compare the Software Bill of Materials analysis results from the report {ufid} against the results from another report(usually a previous version of the firmware) provided as a query parameter.
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID of the "Current" report. All results will be in reference to this |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
compareWith | Number | Upload File ID of the "compared" report |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/report/1234/sbom/compare?compareWith=1229&authtoken=TOKEN"
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
count | Number | The total number of SBOM results |
items | Object[] | List of SBOM results with embedded metadata indicating whether the component was added, removed, or modified between the {compareWith} report and the current {ufid} report |
summary | Object | High level statistics of the SBOM differences between the two reports |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Possible Error Responses for the API
Name | Description |
Invalid User | The requested user could not be found. Usually means invalid authtoken |
UploadFileNotFoundError | The requested upload file could not be found |
Invalid User
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
"error":"User not specified"
Upload File Not Found
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
"error":"Upload file not found"
Export an executive summary of a Binwalk report as a PDF file.
Example Request
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/summary/12/pdf?authtoken=TOKEN" > binwalk-report.pdf
curl -O -J "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/summary/12/pdf?authtoken=TOKEN"
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/pdf
<PDF file content>
Create a shareable report link for the specified Upload File ID.
Example Usage
curl -X POST "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/shared/1234?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Expiration Date
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"expirationDate": "2020-12-31 23:59:59"}' "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/shared/1234?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"password": "Passw0rd4Sh@redL!nk"}' "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/shared/1234?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"notes": "Shared to vendor for triage"}' "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/shared/1234?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
ufid | Number | Upload File ID |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Body Data
Field | Type | Description |
expiration (optional) | String | A timestamp after which the shared link stops working. Prefer dates like YYY-MM-DD |
password (optional) | String | An optional password to protect the shared link |
notes (optional) | String | Optional remarks to help you remember the reason for sharing. Only visible to you |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
sharedURL | String | A shareable URL for the given report containing the unique shared report link identifier hash |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"sharedUrl": "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/shared/a1b2c3d4e5f6"
Retrieve all shared report links generated by the requesting user.
Example usage
curl "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/shared?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Success 200
Field | Type | Description |
sharedLinks | Object[] | An array of shared link objects |
createdAt | String | The date and time this shared link was created |
expirationDate | String | The date and time upon which this shared link expires |
expired | Boolean | Set to true if expirateDate is set and is in the past |
notes (optional) | String | Optional private remarks to help the user organize their shared links |
id | Number | The shared link id number; use this for the DELETE API endpoint |
passwordProtected | String | Set to true if the shared link has a password set |
sharedUri | String | The unique identifier for this shared link |
ufid | Number | The Upload File ID to which this shared link grants access |
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"createdAt": "2020-09-01T08:00:00Z",
"expirationDate": "2017-08-19T20:59:32.000Z",
"expired": true,
"id": 22,
"passwordProtected": true,
"sharedUri": "a1b2c3d4e5f6",
"ufid": 209
Delete a shareable report link. The report itself is unaffected but users will not be able to view the report using that shared link any more.
Example usage
curl -X DELETE "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/shared/a1b2c3e4e5f6?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
hash | String | Unique identifier for this shared report link |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
HTTP/1.1 204 OK
Delete all shared report links. Users will no longer be able to use those links to access the linked reports.
Example Usage
curl -X DELETE "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/shared?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Update the options for the specified a shareable report link.
Update Expiration Date
curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"expirationDate": "2021-01-15 13:00:00"}' "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/shared/a1b2c3d4e5f6?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Remove Password
curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"password": ""}' "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/shared/a1b2c3d4e5f6?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Update Notes
curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"notes": "The week is long"}' "https://centrifuge.refirmlabs.com/api/shared/a1b2c3d4e5f6?authtoken={AUTHTOKEN}"
Path Variable
Field | Type | Description |
hash | String | Unique identifier of the shared report link |
Query Parameter
Field | Type | Description |
authtoken | String | User authtoken |
Body Data
Field | Type | Description |
expirationDate (optional) | String | A timestamp after which the shared link stops working. Prefer dates like YYY-MM-DD. Set to null to remove expiration |
password (optional) | String | An optional password to protect the shared link. Set to empty string to remove the password |
notes (optional) | String | Optional remarks to help you remember the reason for sharing. Only visible to you. Set to empty string to remove notes |
Success 200
Field | Description |
200 | Ok |