last update: 02/15/2022
beta version author: Mengyu Chen
Updated version: Carol He (contact_info: [email protected]), Scott Matsubara, Rongfei Jin
This task needs to be run in an ambulatory virtual reality setting with at leat 7 by 7 meters physical open space.
It aims to test participants' spatial perspective taking ability. Spatial perspective taking is an essential cognitive ability that enables people to imagine how an object or scene would appear from a perspective different from their current physical viewpoint.
The data collected by this task has been published. The journal article is available online. Raw data and analysis scripts is in another GitHub Repo
To run this task, please use the exe files in the executation file folder.
- VRIntroduction is a small VR space irrelavent to the task so that participants can get familiar with the vr system and control before doing the task
- SOT32 is the 32-item version of Computerized Spatial Orientation Task running on desktop
- iVTT_Experimenter_Protocol.docx documents the scripts experimenters used to give instructions.
To modify the task or check the unity code, please check the folder iVTT-UnityProgram-02152022
- Unity 2018 4.0f1 LTS You can download here:
- Git LFS Make sure you have Git LFS:
Refer to Code_Structure_BetaVersion_Mengyu_2019.pdf
git checkout --ours folderA/
git checkout --theirs folderB/filename.yyy
git stash