This is an RStudio project that uses the bookdown
R package to make booklet with some of the formulas, tables and code for Alan Agresti's Introduction to Categorical Data Analysis 3rd Edition.
- Download all the files
- Open the
file with R Studio - Install the extra packages used to help the aesthetics of the booklet:
extra <- c("rmarkdown", "bookdown", conflicted", "tidyverse", "kableExtra",
"ggthemes", "RColorBrewer", "officer", "flextable", "igraph")
- Install the packages used in the book itself:
- The code below uses the order of appearance of analysis packages. You want to install all of them or at least all of the earlier chapters.
is a new package since the 3rd edition- the last two lines are used to install a package that is not on CRAN:
chapter1 <- c("binom", "exactci", "PropCIs")
chapter2 <- c("epitools", "gmodels", "vcd", "vcdExtra")
chapter3 <- c("gam", "car", "statmod")
chapter4 <- c("mfx", "pROC", "plotROC")
chapter5 <- c("MASS", "leaps", "bestglm", "profileModel", "detectseparation"
"MCMCpack", "logistf")
chapter6 <- c("VGAM")
chapter8 <- c("gee", "multgee", "psych")
chapter9 <- c("geepack")
chapter10 <- c("lme4", "poLCA")
chapter11 <- c("rpart", "rpart.plot", "gplots", "glmnet")
install.packages(c(chapter1, chapter2, chapter3, chapter4, chapter5, chapter6,
chapter7, chapter8, chapter9, chapter10, chapter11))
if (!requireNamespace("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
- Push the Build Book button (on the Build Tab) in the upper right window pane.
- If you don't see the build Tab restart R Studio.
Chapter 99 contains Ray's cheetsheet for R Markdown.
This repository contain a function called ocAME
which Ray extracted from