Ubuntu Linux Environment for Java Web Development
- Java
- Eclipse
- Sublime
- Chrome
- SQuirreL SQL Client
- JMeter
- Maven
- Node & NPM
- Docker
- Ubuntu GUI
- Unzip
- Ansible
- Install VirtualBox
- Install Vagrant
- Clone the repository
vagrant up
Restart the machine after initial "vagrant up" is completed to have the GUI load
Note: If there is an issue with "vagrant up" (ex. an application did not download successful)
vagrant provision
User: vagrant
Password: vagrant
sudo password: vagrant
Root User: root
Root Password: vagrant
Issue: Failure during one of the stages of installing / updating software
vagrant provision
Note: need to have VM running via
vagrant up
before trying
vagrant provision
Issue: Could not find shared files, ie. "share" directory from the Host to the Client (VM)
vagrant halt
vagrant up
Currently the provisining supports Ubuntu.
If you need another Linux Distro then look for: ## OS SPECIFIC: change this for different distro
There are 6 places forsure that would need refactoring:
- OS (Vagrantfile: config.vm.box)
- ansible (provision.sh)
- unzip (startup role)
- chrome (chrome role)
- git (git role)
- gui (Gnome: gui role)