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Dokusho Dokusho Server
Travis Travis

Japanese reading page count calculator, using similar page values as the Tadoku reading contest.

読書 (dokusho)

Noun, Suru verb

  1. reading

Running the project

This is a multi-module project. See the relevent modules for running instructions.


This project is built with Kubernetes for Google Cloud Engine; however, Minikube can be used to run a local backend cluster.

  • minikube start --vm-driver <hyperkit, xhyve, virtualbox, etc>
  • ./bin/
  • ./bin/

The backend's location can then be found using: minikube service backend --url.


CORS headers are not set so to use the frontend CORS protection needs to be disabled. On Mac OS Chrome can be started as follows: open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security --user-data-dir

Additional Information

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.