Open Todo's
- Explore using for events
- When notification is tapped, another instance of app is created (which can be verified by pressing back button)
- When install referrer is fired and if at that time the app is not open, system keeps on looping into a threaded $user.wait_till_user_is_inflated method. Thought, things work out fine when app starts. Maybe sleep longer at this stage? OR pull out (& update) the user from shared preferences?
- Remind the user to rate the app on 3rd & 10th usage via a server driven push notification (App supports the rating push message)
- Implement TapForTap cross promotion SDK
- Visually sort the friend grid and the bitch message list based on their usage count
- Server should be able to detect the locale/country and send out bitches in the relevant language
- Externalize all strings and do translation
Closed Todo's
- Setup Toast to display user’s name when he logs in - refactor into common/ui
- Setup toast when user sends a bitch
- Better config management - dev/production
- GCM registration
- Loader is not working/showing
- Whatsapp share
- Logcat complains too much is happening on main thread. Either explore AsyncTask or understand the usage of Thread.join
- Tapping on push notification - nothing happens
- Push notification UI is invoked from User model - that sucks. Can we somehow route it back to MainActivity?
- Handle install referer
- Send back a random bitch when the related action is tapped from notification
- Package JRuby core with the apk
- Handle errors in network calls
- Handle case when there are no friends of a user => Is it even valid anymore with the Bot in place?
- Save user locally on device
- Add a splash screen while jruby loads
- Play sound when a push arrives
- Add ads
- Add BugSense
- Add Analytics
- Notification does not goes away when user decides to send a random bitch
- Beautify UI
- Sender should be notified by a push that his invitee has joined - server side & client side work. Opening of that push should enforce an app refresh
- Contacts sync todo ** Sync all contacts and use that as means to determine that who all should receive a push when someone comes online. ** Whenever first sync happens, server should setup :should_sync=false in the user fields based on which the next sync will be cancelled
- App should not crash when started with no internet connection. It should error out gracefully.
- When A invites B and A's app is in onStop state, the friend_add push crashes in gcm_broadcast_receiver.rb:16:$gcm.on_gcm_message_received(data) => Somehow the contexts of $user and $gcm need to be restored from anywhere.
- Ability to add a realtime friend by tapping /i//foo links when the tapper already has app installed
- Ability to show and bitch friends who are from your frequently dialed list - backed by sms share
- Lots is happening on app startup (starred contacts read, etc). Can we push this to a threaded implementation?
- Explore if logic transfer from splash to main activity can be optimized?
- Add custom bitch message
Best if's
- Usage of friend should be moved to a separate Friend model (which does not exists yet)
- MessageList and FriendList models should be introduced
- Data exchange from notification received to activity opened via intent is very hacky as of now. Explore better options via either a Bundle or Intent.put_extra mechanism