This is a simple web application to track the income and expense. User can register, login and, add, remove or edit the income or expense item details.
For Live Demo, Click here.
- sign up, sign in
- auto login
- user guide
- session handling
- secured REST end point
- CRUD operation
- Angular 7
- Bootstrap 4
- Spring Boot 2.1.5, Spring security
- Intellij or Eclipse IDE.
- WebStorm or Visual Studio Code.
- MySQL Workbench (click here for download)
- Angular(click here for installation steps)
For Database:
- open MySQL Workbench.
- create a new database named as "db_budget_manager".
For Spring Boot application:
- open spring-boot-app in your Intellij or Eclipse IDE.
- configure following properties in, as per your database configuration.
spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db_budget_manager?useSSL=false spring.datasource.username=root spring.datasource.password=root
- Run the project.
For Angular application:
- open angular-app in WebStorm or Visual Studio Code.
- open command prompt in anglar-app directory.
- run command "npm install".
- run command "ng serve".
Secure Route: /budgety/item/**
1. API Description for User realted action base = /budgety/user/
POST | /register | new user registration |
POST | /login | user login |
POST | /logout | user logout. |
GET | /logout.success | on success of logout process. |
GET | /session.expired | if session is expired then redirect to this path. |
2. API Description for Item(Income or Expense) base = /budgety/item/
GET | /all | get all items |
PUT | /income/{id} | create or update item income |
PUT | /expense/{id} | create or update item expense |
DELETE | /income/{id} | delete income with id |
DELETE | /expense/{id} | delete expense with id |
- This project is licensed under the MIT license.
Please feel free to submit issues with any bugs or other unforeseen issues you experience.
I was learning the spring boot and angular framework, and wanted to build something with what i have learnt. So i thought create a simple application which have the basic functionality like, login, registeration, session management and CRUD operation. I have create the spring boot application with spring security for securing REST API and consuming it from the angular application.
I'm always happy to hear your feedback! Enjoy 🤘