- After creating the cluster, Clone this repo.
- Create a PVC by using “kubectl apply -f pvc.yaml”
- Create a data-access pod by using “kubectl apply -f dataaccess/dataaccess.yaml”
- Paste by using “kubectl cp data/ dataaccess:/data/”
- Now we must create a docker image from Dockerfile and upload it to AWS ECR.
- Deploy the fio benchmarking job on AKS by using “kubectl apply -f dbench.yaml”, but make sure to change the name of ECR docker image.
Random Read/Write IOPS: 75.7k/59.7k. BW: 523MiB/s / 500MiB/s Average Latency (usec) Read/Write: 183.07/76.91 Sequential Read/Write: 536MiB/s / 512MiB/s Mixed Random Read/Write IOPS: 43.1k/14.4k