Releases: RangeShifter/RangeShiftR-pkg
RangeShiftR v1.1.1
This version fixes some bugs occured for the R package version of RangeShifter. It also involves some bugfixes in the RScore code.
This release is paired with RScore-v2.1.1, and this release ships a copy of this version of RScore.
Related issues and PRs
RangeShifter/RScore#61 : the R package terra saves raster files with decimal cellsizes. This is now accounted for in the RangeShifter code. It now accepts integer as well as double values, which are now transformed into integers after reading
#43 : Transition matrices for complex sexual models were not handed over correctly to RangeShifter. Had no effect on the simulations per se, but it got out of bounds an resulted in issues when running on Unix OS.
#40 : sexdependent minimal and maximal steps of the transfer phase now added (before only MaxSteps were considered sexdependent); now checking for non-NA values in cost layer and providing explicit error message.
RangeShiftR v1.1.0
Change in repository structure
- RangeShifter has been split and distributed across three repositories: one containing the core code of the simulation (RScore), one for the R package (this repo), one for the batch interface, and one for the GUI. All three interfaces keep a version controlled copy of the core code via a git subtree. More information about this structure can be found in RScore/, and about git subtree usage in RScore/
This release is paired with RScore-v2.1.0, and this release ships a copy of this version of RScore.
New Features:
- explicit contribution policy and guidance on how to develop code for RangeShiftR and other RangeShifter repositories.
Minor adaptations:
- removing Version.cpp file and shifting macro settings to Makevars files by defining compiling flags
- moving dummy functions in Rinterface.cpp to new file RangeShiftR/src/RScore/Utils.cpp
- adding usage and help paragraph in Readme