In this project, we attempted to implement some of the more popular methods in the Ruby enumerables method. These are:
- #my_each
- #my_each_with_index
- #my_select
- #my_all?
- #my_any?
- #my_none?
- #my_count
- #my_map
- #my_inject
- #multiply_els for use with #my_inject
- Ruby
👤 Ramsey Njire
- Github: @RamseyNjire
- Twitter: @untakenramram
- Linkedin: Ramsey Njire
👤 Peris Ndanu
- Github: @mimipeshy
- Linkedin: Peris Ndanu
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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This project is MIT licensed.