Numpy helps to create arrays,matrix functions like arange, linspace,zeros,ones,eyes, sqrt,unique & random can be used.
import numpy as np
#for creating vectors Vec=np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]) print(Vec)
#for creating matrix Matrix= np.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6],[7,8,9]]) print (Matrix)
#transpose of matrix print(Matrix.T)
#find out sqaureroot of 99900 x=np.sqrt(99900) print(x)
#functions for arrays
#arange- 1st no. is included but not the last one. vec1=np.arange(0,300) print(vec1)
#linspace:- linear spacing where both 1st and last is inclusive vec3=np.linspace(0,20,10) print(vec3)
#reshape- it reshapes the vector into matrix vec3.reshape(5,2)
#to make one and zero matrix
mat2=np.zeros([4,4]) print(mat2)
mat3=np.ones([5,5]) print(mat3)
#identity matrix mat5=np.eye(6) print(mat5)
vec1=np.arange(1,6) print(vec1) vec2=np.arange(5,10) print(vec2) vec1+vec2 vec1-vec2 vec1/vec2 vec1*vec2
#to find out unique value in array vec7=np.array(["orange","red","1","purple","raksha","orange","rice"]) print(vec7)
#to generate random variable in matrix form rand_mat=np.random.rand(10,10) print(rand_mat)
#mean,max,min of matrix z=np.mean(rand_mat) print(z)