A MERN application for Buy, Exchange, Sell of items. Aimed for a college environment where physical communication is very easy between sellers and buyers. Hence, can be used very effectively. For example, exchange of novels, buying second-hand books from seniors etc.
- upload items
- add description
- add single or multiple images for the item
- specify expected price
- manage uploaded items
- view interested buyers
- remove items / update status of items
- search for items
- show interest on items, which are then notified to the seller
- add requirements (specific items that buyers may require)
- commenting on uploaded items
- notifications for item status update, buyer interest etc
To run the code on localhost,
npm install
The project is divided into two parts. One is the server side code (Nodejs) and other is the client side server (React).
and server
folder contain the code for client and server side respectively.
Create a .env file in the root directory with,
can be any string. This is used to create secure JWT tokens.
will be your mongo localhost URI.
Usually it is like this:
From the root directory of the project run.
node app.js
Now, move to the client
directory and run.
npm start
This initiates a script to run the React server on the localhost:3000
Open browser and go to http://localhost:3000
to view the application.
- MongoDB for database management
- Express and Nodejs for server side
- React for client side