This project was created with React v16.13.1.
Live demo is avaliable at:
Install instructions:
- clone or download repository
- go to terminal, and hit command:
- make a cup of coffee (or tea)
- run live develop server with command:
This app saves posts feed in browser localstorage. If you want to see initial state just clear localstorage and refresh the page.
Libraries and tools used:
- bootstrap v4.5 and react-bootstrap v1,
- framer-motion v1.11 (page soft transitions, validation hints showup),
- momentjs, react-moment (post time add),
- node-sass (stylesheets, module.scss's),
- react-mentions (mention autocomplete hints in post editor inputs),
- react-select (select-option dropdown with icons),
- react-tooltip (tooltips hints),
- gh-pages (deploy to github static page server),
- fontawesome library (icons)
App was tested on Chrome and Firefox browsers.