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Andrew Byrd edited this page Jan 15, 2014 · 10 revisions

Routing Bibliography

This is a list of articles, dissertations, and books that have inspired and informed both the existing OTP routing engine and some ongoing experiments.

Currently, OTP uses a single time-dependent (as opposed to time-expanded) graph that contains both street and transit networks. Walk-only and bicycle-only trips are generally planned using the A* algorithm with a Euclidean heuristic or contraction hierarchies. Walk+Transit or Bike+Transit trips are planned using a variant of the MOA* algorithm with epsilon-dominance for path pruning and the Tung-Chew heuristic (a graph providing a lower bound on aggregate weight) for queue ordering. The alternate "weight table" heuristic is equivalent to a partially precomputed Tung-Chew heuristic with a table of shortcuts through the transit network. Core contraction hierarchies are also an option if edge weights are non-variable, but the recent addition of user-specified (bike) routing options interferes with contraction.

Please feel free to add references or summaries!

Path Search Speedup Techniques

Multi-objective Pareto Shortest Paths

  • Das and Dennis. Drawbacks of minimizing weighted sums of objectives for Pareto set generation in multicriteria optimization problems. (1997)

  • Müller-Hannemann and Schnee. Finding All Attractive Train Connections by Multi-criteria Pareto Search. (2007)
    Deutsche Bahn information system. Does not account for on-street travel.

  • Mandow & Pérez de la Cruz. A New Approach to Multiobjective A* Search. (2005)

  • Mandow & Pérez de la Cruz. Multiobjective A* search with consistent heuristics. (2008)

  • Machuca, Mandow and Pérez de la Cruz. Evaluation of Heuristic Functions for Bicriterion Shortest Path Problems. (2009)
    Evaluates heuristics from Tung & Chew (1992) versus lexicographical ordering of priority queue.

  • Perny and Spanjaard. Near Admissible Algorithms for Multiobjective Search. (2009)
    Discusses relaxed Pareto dominance (Epsilon-dominance) and its use in Multi-objective A*. This a scheme for approximating the entire pareto-optimal solution set that allows time and space complexity polynomial in the number of nodes.

  • Tung and Chew. A multicriteria Pareto-optimal path algorithm. (1992)

  • Delling and Wagner. Pareto Paths with SHARC. (2009)

Resource-constrained Routing

Contraction and Transfer Patterns

Timetable-based routing

ALT and Metric Embeddings

Calibration and Implementation Details

Post-Dijkstra Public Transit Routing

  • Delling, Pajor, Werneck. Round-Based Public Transit Routing (2012)
    This is a tabular approach to routing in public transit networks that does not use an (explicit) graph. It is simpler and can outperform classic graph algorithms.

  • Dibbelt, Pajor, Strasser, Wagner. Intriguingly Simple and Fast Transit Routing (2013).
    Introduces the Connection Scan Algorithm (CSA).

  • Delling, Katz, and Pajor. Parallel computation of best connections in public transportation networks (2012).
    "In this work, we present a novel algorithm for the one-to-all profile-search problem in public transportation networks. It answers the question for all fastest connections between a given station S and any other station at any time of the day in a single query... two interesting questions arise for time-dependent route planning: compute the best connection for a given departure time and the computation of all best connections during a given time interval (e. g., a whole day). The former is called a time-query, while the latter is called a profile-query."

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