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FWuellhorst committed Nov 19, 2024
1 parent 82f850a commit 77dc272
Showing 1 changed file with 57 additions and 57 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,56 +1,6 @@

1: Name 'corGDoublePane' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: G, Double, Pane. Affected line: AixLib.ThermalZones.ReducedOrder.SolarGain.CorrectionGDoublePane corGDoublePane( UWin=3.046492744695893, n=4) "Correction factor for solar transmission" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{6,70},{26,90}})));

2: Name 'hConWall' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Wall. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant hConWall(k=11.9*54) "Outdoor coefficient of heat transfer for walls" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-4,-4},{4,4}}, rotation=90, origin={30,2})));

3: Name 'sigCha3' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Cha3. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain sigCha3(k=-1) "Changes sign" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{106,-79},{116,-68}})));

4: Name 'TEquAirRoofSun' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Roof. Affected line: AixLib.ThermalZones.ReducedOrder.EquivalentAirTemperature.VDI6007 TEquAirRoofSun( aExt=0.6, wfGro=0, hConWallOut=14.399999999999999, hRad=7.400000000000001, n=1, wfWall={1.0}, wfWin={0}, TGro=285.15) "Computes equivalent air temperature for roof" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{88,388},{108,408}})));

5: Name 'to_degCel' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: to_deg. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.UnitConversions.To_degC to_degCel "Indoor air temperature in degC" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{180,318},{192,330}})));

1: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: replaceable parameter DataBase.ThermalZones.ZoneBaseRecord zoneParam "Choose setup for this zone" annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);

2: Name 'nPorts' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Ports. Affected line: parameter Integer nPorts = 0 "Number of fluid ports" annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(connectorSizing=true, tab="General",group="Ports"));

3: Name 'nPortsROM' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Ports. Affected line: final parameter Integer nPortsROM = if use_pools then nPorts + 2 else nPorts "Number of fluid ports" annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(connectorSizing=true, tab="General",group="Ports"));

4: Name 'use_moisture_balance' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: use_moisture_balance. Affected line: parameter Boolean use_moisture_balance=false "If true, input connector QLat_flow is enabled and room air computes moisture balance" annotation (Dialog(tab="Moisture"));

5: Name 'intGains' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Gains. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput intGains[3] "Input profiles for internal gains persons, machines, light" annotation ( Placement(transformation( extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}}, rotation=90, origin={80,-100}), iconTransformation( extent={{-12,-12},{12,12}}, rotation=90, origin={80,-84})));

6: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Bus weaBus "Weather data bus" annotation (Placement( transformation(extent={{-117,18},{-83,50}}), iconTransformation( extent={{-110,50},{-90,70}})));

7: Name 'ports' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: ports. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Vessels.BaseClasses.VesselFluidPorts_b ports[nPorts]( redeclare each final package Medium = Medium) "Auxilliary fluid inlets and outlets to indoor air volume" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-49,-108},{49,-84}}), iconTransformation(extent={{-47,-84},{47,-60}})));

8: Name 'intGainsConv' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Gains, Conv. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a intGainsConv if ATot > 0 or zoneParam.VAir > 0 "Convective internal gains" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{94,10},{114,30}}), iconTransformation(extent={{92,-6},{112,14}})));

9: Name 'intGainsRad' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Gains. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a intGainsRad if ATot > 0 "Radiative internal gains" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{94,30},{114,50}}), iconTransformation(extent={{92,24},{112,44}})));

1: Missing documentation, Name 'nPools' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Pools. Affected line: parameter Integer nPools = 1;

2: Name 'm_flow_eva' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: m_flow_eva. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput m_flow_eva[nPools] "Water mass flow due to evaporation" annotation (Placement(transformation( extent={{120,-44},{88,-12}}), iconTransformation(extent={{108,-50},{ 82,-24}})));

3: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: MixingVolumes.MixingVolumeMoistAir AirLay( redeclare package Medium = AirMedium, T_start=303.15, V=VAirLay, energyDynamics=energyDynamics, m_flow_nominal=m_flow_air_nominal, nPorts=2) "Air layer above swimming pool, relevant for evaporation" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-4,42},{-24,62}})));Movers.FlowControlled_m_flow sou( redeclare package Medium = AirMedium, energyDynamics=energyDynamics, m_flow_nominal=m_flow_air_nominal, addPowerToMedium=false, nominalValuesDefineDefaultPressureCurve=true) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-24,-42},{-46, -16}})));

4: Missing documentation, Name 'Sum_m_flow_eva' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Sum_m_flow_eva. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.MultiSum Sum_m_flow_eva(nu=nPools) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{76,-34},{64,-22}})));

5: Missing documentation. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.MultiSum SumQEva(nu=nPools) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{76,34},{60,50}})));

6: Missing documentation, Name 'prescribedHeatFlow' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: prescribed, Heat. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.PrescribedHeatFlow prescribedHeatFlow annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{48,32},{28,52}})));

1: Missing documentation. Affected line: parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.DataSource datSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.DataSource.Constant annotation (Dialog(group="General"));

1: Name 'buildingID' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: building, D. Affected line: parameter Integer buildingID "Unique identifier of the building";

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,10 +67,6 @@ AixLib/ThermalZones/ReducedOrder/Multizone/BaseClasses/
32: Name 'QIntGains_flow' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Gains. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput QIntGains_flow[numZones,3](each final quantity="HeatFlowRate", each final unit="W") if ASurTot > 0 or VAir > 0 "Heat flow based on internal gains for each zone from lights[1], machines[2], and persons[3]" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{100,-90},{ 120,-70}}), iconTransformation(extent={{80,-100},{100,-80}})));

1: Name 'indoorPortIze' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: indoor, Port. Affected line: parameter Boolean indoorPortIze=false "Additional heat port at indoor surface of interzonal elements" annotation ( Dialog(group="Zone borders"), choices(checkBox=true));

1: Name 'corG' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: G. Affected line: replaceable model corG = SolarGain.CorrectionGDoublePane constrainedby AixLib.ThermalZones.ReducedOrder.SolarGain.BaseClasses.PartialCorrectionG "Model for correction of solar transmission" annotation(choicesAllMatching=true);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -237,8 +183,16 @@ AixLib/ThermalZones/ReducedOrder/ThermalZone/
57: Missing documentation, Name 'QIntGainsInternalTot_flow' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Gains, Internal. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.RealExpression QIntGainsInternalTot_flow[3](y={-lights.convHeat.Q_flow - lights.radHeat.Q_flow,-machinesSenHea.radHeat.Q_flow - machinesSenHea.convHeat.Q_flow, -humanTotHeaDependent.radHeat.Q_flow - humanTotHeaDependent.convHeat.Q_flow}) if ATot > 0 and internalGainsMode == 3 annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{94,-46},{98,-34}})));

1: Missing documentation. Affected line: AixLib.ThermalZones.ReducedOrder.RC.BaseClasses.ExteriorWall extWalRC( n=n, RExt=RExt, RExtRem=RExtRem, CExt=CExt, T_start=T_start) if not pasThr annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,12}})));
1: Name 'corGDoublePane' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: G, Double, Pane. Affected line: AixLib.ThermalZones.ReducedOrder.SolarGain.CorrectionGDoublePane corGDoublePane( UWin=3.046492744695893, n=4) "Correction factor for solar transmission" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{6,70},{26,90}})));

2: Name 'hConWall' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Wall. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Constant hConWall(k=11.9*54) "Outdoor coefficient of heat transfer for walls" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-4,-4},{4,4}}, rotation=90, origin={30,2})));

3: Name 'sigCha3' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Cha3. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.Gain sigCha3(k=-1) "Changes sign" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{106,-79},{116,-68}})));

4: Name 'TEquAirRoofSun' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Roof. Affected line: AixLib.ThermalZones.ReducedOrder.EquivalentAirTemperature.VDI6007 TEquAirRoofSun( aExt=0.6, wfGro=0, hConWallOut=14.399999999999999, hRad=7.400000000000001, n=1, wfWall={1.0}, wfWin={0}, TGro=285.15) "Computes equivalent air temperature for roof" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{88,388},{108,408}})));

5: Name 'to_degCel' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: to_deg. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.UnitConversions.To_degC to_degCel "Indoor air temperature in degC" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{180,318},{192,330}})));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,4 +328,50 @@ AixLib/DataBase/ThermalZones/

66: Name 'TThresholdCooler' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Threshold, Cooler. Affected line: parameter Modelica.Units.SI.Temperature TThresholdCooler "Threshold temperature above ideal cooler is used";

67: Name 'withIdealThresholds' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: with, Ideal, Thresholds. Affected line: parameter Boolean withIdealThresholds "Sets if the threshold temperatures for ideal heater and cooler should be used";
67: Name 'withIdealThresholds' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: with, Ideal, Thresholds. Affected line: parameter Boolean withIdealThresholds "Sets if the threshold temperatures for ideal heater and cooler should be used";

1: Missing documentation, Name 'nPools' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Pools. Affected line: parameter Integer nPools = 1;

2: Name 'm_flow_eva' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: m_flow_eva. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput m_flow_eva[nPools] "Water mass flow due to evaporation" annotation (Placement(transformation( extent={{120,-44},{88,-12}}), iconTransformation(extent={{108,-50},{ 82,-24}})));

3: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: MixingVolumes.MixingVolumeMoistAir AirLay( redeclare package Medium = AirMedium, T_start=303.15, V=VAirLay, energyDynamics=energyDynamics, m_flow_nominal=m_flow_air_nominal, nPorts=2) "Air layer above swimming pool, relevant for evaporation" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-4,42},{-24,62}})));Movers.FlowControlled_m_flow sou( redeclare package Medium = AirMedium, energyDynamics=energyDynamics, m_flow_nominal=m_flow_air_nominal, addPowerToMedium=false, nominalValuesDefineDefaultPressureCurve=true) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-24,-42},{-46, -16}})));

4: Missing documentation, Name 'Sum_m_flow_eva' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Sum_m_flow_eva. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.MultiSum Sum_m_flow_eva(nu=nPools) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{76,-34},{64,-22}})));

5: Missing documentation. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Math.MultiSum SumQEva(nu=nPools) annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{76,34},{60,50}})));

6: Missing documentation, Name 'prescribedHeatFlow' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: prescribed, Heat. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Sources.PrescribedHeatFlow prescribedHeatFlow annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{48,32},{28,52}})));

1: Missing documentation. Affected line: parameter AixLib.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.DataSource datSou=AixLib.BoundaryConditions.GroundTemperature.DataSource.Constant annotation (Dialog(group="General"));

1: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: replaceable parameter DataBase.ThermalZones.ZoneBaseRecord zoneParam "Choose setup for this zone" annotation (choicesAllMatching=true);

2: Name 'nPorts' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Ports. Affected line: parameter Integer nPorts = 0 "Number of fluid ports" annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(connectorSizing=true, tab="General",group="Ports"));

3: Name 'nPortsROM' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Ports. Affected line: final parameter Integer nPortsROM = if use_pools then nPorts + 2 else nPorts "Number of fluid ports" annotation(Evaluate=true, Dialog(connectorSizing=true, tab="General",group="Ports"));

4: Name 'use_moisture_balance' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: use_moisture_balance. Affected line: parameter Boolean use_moisture_balance=false "If true, input connector QLat_flow is enabled and room air computes moisture balance" annotation (Dialog(tab="Moisture"));

5: Name 'intGains' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Gains. Affected line: Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput intGains[3] "Input profiles for internal gains persons, machines, light" annotation ( Placement(transformation( extent={{-20,-20},{20,20}}, rotation=90, origin={80,-100}), iconTransformation( extent={{-12,-12},{12,12}}, rotation=90, origin={80,-84})));

6: Could not extract name from line and check correctness, is your type specification correct (full library path)?. Affected line: BoundaryConditions.WeatherData.Bus weaBus "Weather data bus" annotation (Placement( transformation(extent={{-117,18},{-83,50}}), iconTransformation( extent={{-110,50},{-90,70}})));

7: Name 'ports' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: ports. Affected line: Modelica.Fluid.Vessels.BaseClasses.VesselFluidPorts_b ports[nPorts]( redeclare each final package Medium = Medium) "Auxilliary fluid inlets and outlets to indoor air volume" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-49,-108},{49,-84}}), iconTransformation(extent={{-47,-84},{47,-60}})));

8: Name 'intGainsConv' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Gains, Conv. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a intGainsConv if ATot > 0 or zoneParam.VAir > 0 "Convective internal gains" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{94,10},{114,30}}), iconTransformation(extent={{92,-6},{112,14}})));

9: Name 'intGainsRad' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: Gains. Affected line: Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a intGainsRad if ATot > 0 "Radiative internal gains" annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{94,30},{114,50}}), iconTransformation(extent={{92,24},{112,44}})));

1: Missing documentation. Affected line: AixLib.ThermalZones.ReducedOrder.RC.BaseClasses.ExteriorWall extWalRC( n=n, RExt=RExt, RExtRem=RExtRem, CExt=CExt, T_start=T_start) if not pasThr annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-10,-10},{10,12}})));

1: Name 'indoorPortIze' contains parts with more/less than 3 characters or which are not part of special cases. Affected parts: indoor, Port. Affected line: parameter Boolean indoorPortIze=false "Additional heat port at indoor surface of interzonal elements" annotation ( Dialog(group="Zone borders"), choices(checkBox=true));

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