RSgama is a protocol that works at the data link level. Originally, Charles Daniel and Rodrigo Siqueira were challenged by professor Fernando to create a data protocol as a homework in his class (Computer Network). The final result was the modeling and creation of the data link protocol, it was implemented many rules for handling many different situations. As an overview, look at the state machine of the protocol below:
For more information, take a look at wiki.
RS is a reference to RS232, which is the interface that we have used originally to create the protocol. Finally, "gama" is a little tribute for "Universidade de Brasília - Campus GAMA".
- System Dependencies (Kubuntu/Ubuntu/Debian)
- build-essential
- cmake
- GCC 4.8
- Doxygen
- Google test
What do you need for test and run RSgama:
- Follow the steps below to compile the code:
- Go to rsgama folder.
cd /local/of/origin/rsgama
- Compile protocol
make clean
- Go to bin/ for see the binary file.
- We recommend you use two cables with RS232 to USB interface.