This assignement involved creating a VBA script to loop through stock data and deliver a summary per "Ticker".
In the summary table I had to deliver each individual "Ticker" along with:
- The yearly change (difference between year closing price and opening price)
- Percent Change (Perecent difference between the year closing and opening price)
- Total Stock Volume (Accumulation of the volume of stock across a year for each ticker)
Once the summary table had been populated, I then had to find some additonal statistics:
- Greatest % Increase (Which ticker experienced the greatest % increase)
- Greatest % Decrease (Which ticker experienced the greatest % decrease)
- Greatest Total Volume (Which ticker has the greatest total volume)
For ease of viewing; formatting was applied to the Yearly Change and Percent Change columns:
- Positive change cells coloured Green
- Negative change cells coloured Red
And number formatting applied:
- Yearly change formatted as a currency in USD ($)
- Percent change formatted as perecentage to 2 decimal places (0.00%)
I also researched and added some additonal formatting to a range of cells:
- Headers for the Summary table Bold and Horizontal Central Alignment
- Headers for the Summary table also contained the year which was retrieved from the sheet name
- Headers for the Greatest % Increase/Decrease and Total Volume Bold and Horiztonal Central Alignment
- Total Stock Volume formatted as comma seperated to 0 decimal places
Example Data supplied by: edX Boot Camps LLC
Percentage change formula checked on: Investopedia (,multiply%20that%20number%20by%20100.)
Additional formatting: Microsoft VBA Documnetation (