Ansible role to automate data loading test to evaluate Aura infrastructure's data storage capacity. Data are randomly generated and injected in influxdb database.
At first, you need to install Aura Infrastructure (
This Ansible playbook consists of three roles:
- prerequisite : installs tools used to perform well the different python scripts.
- copy_directories : copies a directory containing the python scripts to randomly generate data and an other directory containing the python scripts to inject the generated data in influxdb database. These directories are copied from your local machin to the virtual machin containing the Aura Infrastructure.
- load_testing : generates random data, injects them into influxdb database and recover some informations as injection time, number of inserted data per field etc...
At first you need to launch the playbook to install prerequisite and copy_directories roles. It allows to set the work environment to perform well the loading tests.
ansible-playbook -i inventories/dev.yml install.yml -t prerequisite -t copy_directories
Next you can perform your loading test with the following command.
ansible-playbook -i inventories/dev.yml install.yml -t load_testing --extra-vars "nb_Rr_data= nb_Ma_data= nb_Mg_data= directory_to_inject=/home/ansible/data/aura_generated_data"
Thus, 3 types of files are generated. Then, theses files are injected in the influxdb database.
You can query the database all along the loading test with the following command.
(ansible-playbook -i inventories/dev.yml install.yml -t load_testing --extra-vars "nb_Rr_data= nb_Ma_data= nb_Mg_data= directory_to_inject=/home/ansible/data/aura_generated_data") & (ansible-playbook -i inventories/dev.yml install.yml -t queries_during_injection)
This allows to follow the amount of data loaded in the database at some times of the injection.
The logs are stored in files located in /home/ansible/personal_logs directory.
You can perform a reading test with the following command.
ansible-playbook -i inventories/dev.yml install.yml -t read_testing --extra-vars "nb_Rr_data= nb_Ma_data= nb_Mg_data= directory_to_inject=/home/ansible/data/aura_generated_data
This performs a select * from ******
to make a full scan on one measurement.
You need to precise the amount of nb_Xx_data variable you want to generate.
Example : nb_Rr_data=1000000
Once the tests are performed, you can vizualise graph using kibana UI implemented with the Aura infrastructure