For running Pass 1 and Pass two Assembler code in linux and windows(eclipse)
1.Create Java Project of Name <Pass_One>
2.Then create class of Java project
Note:If pakages are imported by default in eclipse don't import another pakages otherwise code will give error if not imported pakages then we have to import pakages needed to run code/program
3.Go to the directory of eclips-workspace (For linux the directory will be home/eclipse-workspace and for windows c:/User/<user_name>/Eclipse-Workspace)
4.In our Pass 1 java project file create 4 empty text files of name IC.txt,LITTAB.txt,POOLTAB.txt,SYMTAB.txt
(Any changes done in the name file should me also done in the program)
5.In the same Pass 1 folder create one input text file name input.asm and input1.asm and give the inputs from the file mentioned in this repo
(Change the extension of the text file to .asm after giving the inputs)
6.In class Write the program mentioned in this file
7.Run the program(Their are total 3 classes : Pass1,InstTable,TableRow)
For Pass two Same procedure only add empty text file of:IC.txt,LITTAB.txt,SYMTAB.txt,Pass 2 The Output of Pass 2 will be saved in the Pass_2.txt
For Shortcut Download the files and Paste in the Directory of Eclipse/Eclipse-workspace
And open the eclipse application and click on files and select the option of the Open Project from File System
And select the Directory of the Projects From the Eclipse/Eclipse-workspace you have pasted