A project for "Software Development Group Project" module
Problem Domain
Current location-based advertising has become more of a burden for the consumers as they are continuously bombarded with irrelevant advertisements to the consumers without their consent. As a result, current location based advertising systems are inefficient in delivering the shop owners advertisements to the customer at the appropriate time.
‘Inteligent advertising system’ is a combination of a digital display and a mobile phone application. A personalized advertisement is displayed on the digital display to the user if the store currently has a matching item from the user’s wish list that is managed by the mobile application.
User Scenarios
Scenario 1: Raveen, a shopper is scrolling through the mall looking for the items he requires. He maintains a Wish list with the items he is looking for to purchase through the App. He approaches a shop, where he sees his name being displayed and an item he is looking for on the digital signage near the shop, He gets a mobile notification at the same time. He then continues to interact with the mobile application to see what items in the wish list are there in the shop near him without even going in.
Scenario 2: Raveen wants to buy a t-shirt for a party, but he doesn’t know where to buy one. He then looks for suggestions on the App and then finds some shops near his location.