Experiments with an alternative BaseX multi-architecture docker image.
Supported platforms
Images are published to docker hub and github container repositories for each release. See github action script
. -
Runs as user 1000 rather than 1984 (see https://docs.basex.org/wiki/Docker#Non-privileged_User)
$BASEX_JVM environment support
The image includes the jars below in /lib/custom
from Saxonica tolib/custom
for XSLT 3.0 supportxmlresolver-x.y.jar
This image from docker hub
docker pull quodatum/basexhttp:latest
This image from github ghcr.io
docker pull ghcr.io/quodatum/basexhttp:latest
Create and start a container named basex10
running the BaseX 10.3 http server on port 8080
docker run --name basex10 -p 8080:8080 -d quodatum/basexhttp:basex-10.3
Confirm working by browsing to site root page i.e. http://your-host:8080/. The DBA and Chat apps can not be used because no users are defined.
To create the admin user. Shell into the container...
docker exec -it basex10 /bin/sh
and run
echo "your password" | basex -cPASSWORD
Restart the container to pick up the change.
docker container restart basex10
Alternatively, you can supply a volume mapping that includes a prebuilt users.xml
for /srv/basex/data
docker volume create or use my-basex-data
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
-v my-basex-data:/srv/basex/data \
-d quodatum/basexhttp:latest
mkdir data
chown -R 1000:1000 data
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
-v `pwd`/data:/srv/basex/data \
-d quodatum/basexhttp:latest
cat root.xqm
module namespace _ = 'urn:quodatum:test';
declare %rest:GET %rest:path('') %output:method('text')
function _:root(){
"Hello, I'm a new text only front page"
docker run -p 8080:8080 \
-v `pwd`/data:/srv/basex/data \
-v `pwd`/root.xqm:/srv/basex/webapp/restxq.xqm \
-d quodatum/basexhttp:latest
docker run -p 28080:8080 \
-v `pwd`/webapp:/srv/basex/webapp \
-v `pwd`/repo:/srv/basex/repo \
Tested largely with eclipse-temurin:17-jre
. This is based on ubuntu latest. It is used because it is available for all the supported platforms.
Java15+ is required to avoid possiblity of container termination due to resource limit policies. See OpenJDK's container awareness code
This is only relevant when running BaseX versions compiled for Java8
on JVMs 'Java9+`
- --add-opens java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED
- --add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED
A simple case is provided in samples
A more complex usage is shown here
The official BaseX image on docker hub. Currently unmaintained. More information at basex#2051
docker pull basex/basexhttp:latest
BaseX 3-clause BSD License
Saxon-HE Mozilla Public License 2.0
XMLresolver Apache License version 2.0