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Telegram Webapp for SolidJs

A SolidJs wrapper for creating Telegram Webapp.


Import this package in your app (Javascript or Typescript)

npm i --save telegram-webapp-solid
yarn add telegram-webapp-solid
pnpm add telegram-webapp-solid

Then you can use ready-made components or signals.

Components are truly declarative ways of using the API, signals are a more procedural approach and should be use to get more control over the API.


Components are a declarative way to use Telegram Webapp capabilities.


This is a regular button that spawns an alert when clicked.

See : Alert


When this component is rendered, shows an alert to the user.
An alert is just a message with a "close" button.


When this component is rendered, the app's exit button turns into a back button, where you can provide a onClick callback

Also available as a signal with createBackButtonSignal


This is a regular button that spawns a confirm popup when clicked.

See : Confirm


When this component is rendered, shows a confirm popup to the user.
A confirm popup is a message with a "OK" and a "cancel" button. When the user chooses "OK", the popup returns true, when the user chooses "cancel" or click away it returns false


This is a standard <button/> except it vibrates when touched on mobile (you can pass a hapticForce prop to change the intensity)


This is a standard <input/> except it vibrates when focused on mobile (it uses a specific haptic force for selections)


When this component is rendered, the app's main button appears on the bottom of the screen. You can provide a text prop, an active boolean prop, a progressVisible boolean prop, a hapticForce setting and a onClick callback

Also available as a signal with createMainButtonSignal


This is a regular button that spawns a popup when clicked.

See : Popup


When this component is rendered, shows a popup to the user.
A popup is a message with 1-3 buttons. When the user chooses a button, the popup returns the id of the pressed button.

Buttons can be one of :

  • default, a button with the default style,
  • ok, a button with the localized text “OK”,
  • close, a button with the localized text “Close”,
  • cancel, a button with the localized text “Cancel”,
  • destructive, a button with a style that indicates a destructive action (e.g. “Remove”, “Delete”, etc.).


When this component is rendered, brings up a QR code scanner on the screen.
You can provide a callback to get back the scanned text.


A standard <main/> except it uses css variables provided by telegram to render only inside the space of the web app.


Signals are not always true reactive signals, but they provide a procedural approach to the Telegram Webapp API.


Returns an object to see and change the visibility of the back button


Returns a [initData, sendData] tuple that are only wrapped around the API


Returns a [expanded, expand] tuple where expanded is a boolean indicating if the app is expanded and expand is a function that expands the app


Takes a hapticForce prop and returns a function that vibrates the device with the given intensity


Returns a function that vibrates the device with a specific intensity made for selections


Returns a { ready, close } object that are only wrapped around the API


Returns an object to see and change the visibility of the main button.
You can also see/change the text, the progress indicator and the "active" state


Returns an object to open link, Telegram links and invoices (simple wrappers around the API). You can also use onInvoiceClosed as a shorthand to the invoiceClosed event


Returns a function that opens the QR Code scanner and returns a promise with the scanned text


Returns an object with a theme key, which is a reactive theme object and also setHeaderColor() and setBackgroundColor().


Returns the user object from the Telegram API. (Warning : it uses initDataUnsafe for the moment)


Returns an object with a version key and a isVersionAtLeast function.


Returns a signal that gives the height of the viewport as it changes


Returns a signal that gives the height of the viewport as it finish changing.


You can check the demo by looking at the demo folder.

You can also open the live demo in telegram