WebM Hunter is a simple python3 app, that creates an M3U playlist filled with dubious video content. Just another demonstration of possible usage of 'json', 'requests' and 'argparse' modules at once.
- Requests (https://github.com/psf/requests; pip install requests)
--board, -b <BOARD_CODE>
is a String; full list of boards could be found at https://2ch.hk
--exclude, -e EXCLUDE_STRING
is a String; String to exclude from search in threads titles
--filter, -f <FILTER_STRING>
is a String; process only threads, whose titles are matched with <FILTER_STRING>
--output, -o <FILE_PATH>
is a String; path to save M3U playlist. Is set to ~/webm.m3u
by deafult
--verbose, -v will enable fancy verbose output
./webm_hunter.py -b b -f pony -o '~/Downloads/I_love_pony.m3u' --verbose