Fork from and add Android compatibility and support for reading GoPro Tags. Only library for this purpose.
Access-C Android App by Leef-USA
Download and add as a module in Android studio project. If you do not need, you can delete aac
and adts
packages to reduce size
GoProTagsBox tags = GoProUtil.getHilights(new RandomAccessFile(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath() + "/GOPR0175.MP4", "r"));
InputStream inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new URL("http://localhost:6582?BRIDGE&%2FGOPR0175.MP4&GOPR0175.MP4&80898399").openConnection().getInputStream());
GoProTagsBox tags = GoProUtil.getHilights(inputStream);
stringBuilder.append("Count: "+tags.getCount());
if(tags.getHiLights() != null){
for (long l : tags.getHiLights()) {
stringBuilder.append("\nHiLight: "+l);
Public domain.
Everyone can used this library without any permision. Inherited condition may applied!
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