Files for the QMCPACK Users Workshop 14-15 May 2019
Copy of latest QMCPACK manual PDF (from 2019-05-14)
Many of the presentations are available on YouTube
- Welcome and Introduction
- Correlation Consistent Pseudopotentials, [YouTube video]
- PySCF for Molecules and Solids, [YouTube video]
- Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo (AFQMC), [YouTube video part 1] [YouTube video part 2]
- Tools for Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo, [YouTube video]
- Engaging with the QMCPACK project
- Development of forces in QMCPACK, [YouTube video]
- QMC from Benchmarking to Understanding Nanoscale Materials, Kayahan Saritas, [YouTube video]
- Selected CI Trial Wavefunction with Quantum Package and QMCPACK
- Wavefunction Optimization algorithms in QMCPACK, [YouTube Video]
- NEXUS workflow system, [YouTube Video]
- Future workshop and QMCPACK Development Plans
- Running Solids Efficiently at Scale, [YouTube Video]
- Lithium Compton Profile from QMC, Paul Yang, [YouTube Video]