Fakernaija is a Python library that helps developers generate Nigerian-specific data like names, emails, addresses, phone numbers, bank details, school names, states, license plate numbers, and much more. Whether you're working on testing, development, or educational projects, Fakernaija helps you generate realistic data, including a CLI for easy exports.
The documentation is available on Read the Docs.
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- Generate culturally accurate Nigerian data — no more Oyinbo data that don't gel!
- Quickly generate data from your favourite terminal with our CLI commands.
- Export generated data to various formats like JSON, CSV, and plain text.
- Customize your data generation with optional parameters for targeted outputs.
Fakernaija requires Python 3.10 or higher. Installation is easy-peasy with pip
, ensuring you get the latest stable release of the library.
pip install -U fakernaija
Fakernaija is easy to use. Launch your Python shell and try out the example below:
>>> from fakernaija import Naija
>>> naija = Naija()
>>> print("A random Nigerian full name:", naija.full_name())
A random Nigerian full name: Ihuoma Maduabuchi
For more available method calls, please refer to the Naija Class Reference.
Fakernaija's CLI allows you to generate data directly from your terminal. Launch your favourite terminal and try out the example below:
$ naija email --domain unn.edu.ng --gender female --repeat 3
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
For more detailed usage of the CLI, please refer to the naija - CLI Reference.
A more comprehensive documentation is available on Read the Docs 📚
If you would like to contribute, please read the Contributing Guide 🤝
If you found a bug or have any suggestions, please Raise an Issue 🐛
If you need to contact the author privately, please send an Email ✉️
If you find this library useful or worthy of your attention, please give it a Star ⭐
Fakernaija is released under the MIT License.