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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 28, 2019. It is now read-only.


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A 24h Datathon

Live | Styleguide


Content editing

Most content on the site can be edited on GitHub without messing with HTML markup.

The site's source and structure is in the _src/ folder. Ignore everything with an underscore in its name.

When viewing a file on GitHub you will see a small pencil icon in the top right. Click that to edit the file.


All pages are simple Markdown files. Markdown is a way of telling the site how an element should be marked up, like headings & bold text:

I'm a simple paragraph. No fancy symbols needed.

# I'm a heading 1
## I'm a heading 2

You can make text **bold like so**

Special pages

Some pages like front page source their content dynamically during site build. This is so we have a single source of truth for content used in multiple places on the site.


You need to have the following tools installed on your development machine before moving on:

Install dependencies

Run the following command from the repository's root folder to install all dependencies.

npm i && bundle install
npm install gulpjs/gulp-cli -g

Development build

Spin up local dev server and livereloading watch task, reachable under https://localhost:1337:


Continuous deployment: always be shipping

The site gets built & deployed automatically via Travis. This is the preferred way of deployment, it makes sure the site is always deployed with fresh dependencies and only after a successful build.

Build & deployment happens under the following conditions on Travis:

  • every push builds the site
  • live deployment: every push to the master branch initiates a live deployment
  • beta deployment: every new pull request and every subsequent push to it initiates a beta deployment

Manual deployment

For emergency live deployments or beta deployments, the manual method can be used. The site is hosted in an S3 bucket and gets deployed via a gulp task.

Prerequisite: authentication

To deploy the site, you must authenticate yourself against the AWS API with your AWS credentials. Get your AWS access key and secret and add them to ~/.aws/credentials:

aws_access_key_id = <YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID>
aws_secret_access_key = <YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>

This is all that is needed to authenticate with AWS if you've setup your credentials as the default profile.

If you've set them up as another profile, say [HackCancer] you can grab those credentials by using the AWS_PROFILE variable like so:

AWS_PROFILE=HackCancer gulp deploy --live

In case that you get authentication errors or need an alternative way to authenticate with AWS, check out the AWS documentation.

Staging build & beta deployment

The staging build is a full production build but prevents search engine indexing & Google Analytics tracking.

# make sure your local npm packages & gems are up to date
npm update && bundle update

# make staging build in /_dist
# build preventing search engine indexing & Google Analytics tracking
gulp build --staging

# deploy contents of /_dist to beta
gulp deploy --beta

Production build & live deployment

# make sure your local npm packages & gems are up to date
npm update && bundle update

# make production build in /_dist
gulp build --production

# deploy contents of /_dist to live
gulp deploy --live

Coding conventions & Browser support

Lint with ESLint & stylelint in your editor or run:

npm test

As a rule of thumb, make your CSS & JavaScript work in the last 2 versions of modern browsers, and ideally in IE 11. Adapt the browserslist key values in the package.json when a change in visitor statistics allows that.


Follows stylelint-config-bigchaindb which itself extends stylelint-config-standard.


Follows ascribe/javascript which itself extends airbnb/javascript.

Try to not use any jQuery, always prefer vanilla JavaScript.

At the moment, jQuery is only used for the form submissions for its simple $.ajax functionality, and neither XMLHttpRequest or fetch seem to work with MailChimp.

Authors & Contributors


For all code in this repository the Apache License, Version 2.0 is applied. This repo is based in the IPDB site.