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Messages File

Redned edited this page Mar 14, 2020 · 1 revision

The messages file controls most all the messages you see through PwingRaces. Upon opening it, you will see a list of all the configurable messages. You may notice some of them have placeholders and such in there. The messages file has support for ANY PlaceholderAPI placeholder if you have the plugin installed. So if you'd like to show another prefix in a race message from PlaceholderAPI, you can do so.

If you'd also like to reference another message from PwingRaces through the messages file, just prefix it with % and end it with %. (e.g. %invalid-player% would show the message set for 'invalid-player').

Here is an example of the messages file:

    header: "&5-------------------&7[ &d&lPwing Races &7]&5-------------------"
    prefix: "&7[Pwing Races]&a"
    race-gui: "%race% Race"
    currency-name-sing: Ruble
    currency-name-plural: Rubles
    invalid-skillpoints: "%prefix% &cYou do not have the required skillpoints to purchase this upgrade!"
    cancelled-purchase: "%prefix% &cCancelled purchase of %element%."
    successful-purchase: "%prefix% You have successfully purchased the %element% upgrade for the %skilltree% skilltree!"
    already-purchased: "%prefix% &cYou have already purchased this upgrade."
    levelup: "%prefix% Your %race% race has leveled up to level %level%!"
    ability-cooldown: "%prefix% &cThis ability is currently on cooldown (%time% remaining)."
    offline-player: "%prefix% &cThat player is not online!"
    invalid-player: "%prefix% &cThat player does not exist!"
    invalid-race: "%prefix% &cThat race does not exist!"
    cannot-set-race: "%prefix% &cCannot set race."
    cannot-unlock-race: "%prefix% &cCannot unlock race."
    set-active-race: "%prefix% Successfully set %player_name%'s race to %race%!"
    set-your-active-race: "%prefix% Successfully set your race to %race%!"
    set-unlocked-new-race: "%prefix% Successfully unlocked %race% for %player_name%!"
    unlocked-new-race: "%prefix% You have unlocked the race %race%!"
    reset-race-data: "%prefix% Successfully reset the race data for %player_name%!"
    locked-race: "%prefix% &cYou have not unlocked this race yet!"
    race-already-selected: "%prefix% &cYou already have that race selected!"
    race-not-selected: "%prefix% &cYou do not have this race selected!"
    race-skillpoint-claim: "%prefix% Successfully reclaimed your used skillpoints!"
    cancelled-skillpoint-claim: "%prefix% &cCancelled skillpoint reclaim."
    race-item-claim: "%prefix% Successfully reclaimed your race items!"
    cancelled-item-claim: "%prefix% &cCancelled item reclaim."
    cancelled-race-change: "%prefix% &cCancelled race change."
    invalid-command-syntax: "%prefix% &cInvalid Syntax! Usage: %usage%."
    not-enough-money: "%prefix% &cYou do not have enough %currency-name-plural% for this transaction!"
    not-enough-experience: "%prefix% &cYou do not have enough experience for this transaction!"
    skillpoint-amount-message: "%prefix% &aYou have %skillpoints% unused skillpoints."
    set-skillpoint-message: "%prefix% &aYou have set %player_name%'s skillpoints to %skillpoints%."
    set-level-message: "%prefix% &aYou have set %player_name%'s level to %level%."
    set-exp-message: "%prefix% &aYou have set %player_name%'s race exp to %exp%."
    races-disabled-in-world: "%prefix% &cRaces are not enabled in this world!"
    no-permission: "%prefix% &cYou do not have permission to do this!"
    no-permission-command: "%prefix% &cYou do not have permission to execute this command!"
    menu-confirmation: "Confirmation"
    menu-confirm: "&aConfirm"
    menu-cancel: "&cCancel"
    menu-confirm-purchase: "&aConfirm Purchase"
    menu-cancel-purcase: "&cCancel Purchase"
    menu-reclaim-skillpoints: "&b&lReclaim Skillpoints"
    menu-reclaim-skillpoints-lore: "&7Reclaim all your spent skillpoints. \n&cResets all your purchased skills."
    menu-reclaim-race-items: "&e&lReclaim Race Items"
    menu-reclaim-race-items-lore: "&7Reclaim your race items if you lost them."
    menu-cost-display: "&7Cost: &a"
    menu-skilltree-skillpoint-cost: "&7Skillpoint Cost: &a"
    menu-skilltree-purchase: "&eClick to purchase."
    menu-skilltree-unlock: "&cYou must unlock %element% before \n&cpurchasing this upgrade."
    menu-level: "&7Level: &3"
    menu-max-level: "Max Level"
    menu-experience: "&7Experience: &3"
    menu-remaining-skillpoints: "&7Remaining Skillpoints: &3"

If you have the desire to make a message not show up at all, just set it to "" and nothing will send.