clean_obsolete_uploads lists all the files contained in the database and all the files in the media folders and DELETES all those files which are no longer in the database.
WARNING all the uploaded file not contained in the database will be removed!
Since django 1.3 deleting a FileField does not delete the linked file. Such files remain in the filesystem and need to be deleted manually.
Files are loaded from a settings.MEDIA_FOLDER_LIST list of folders. If that is not defined settings.MEDIA_ROOT is used instead.
Usage: clean_obsolete_uploads [dryrun] [backup]
only list obsolete files without deleting them,
create a zip file with all the obsolete files.
The best way to use clean_obsolete_uploads is to set up a cron job to execute it regularly. The admin interface show all the cleanups.
Note: this software is distribute with no warranty at all. Use it at your own risk.