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[Port] EE Plushie & Xenowears (space-syndicate#751)
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* [Port] Xenowears (space-syndicate#12)

* Xenowears (space-syndicate#519)

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Explain this PR in as much detail as applicable

Some example prompts to consider:
How might this affect the game? The codebase?
What might be some alternatives to this?
How/Who does this benefit/hurt [the game/codebase]?

Add a bit of clothing specie related and some tiny misc changes.

Normally i wanted to add the spooders changes here but with the other
spider specie coming in il hold myself for now.


A list of everything you have to do before this PR is "complete"
You probably won't have to complete everything before merging but it's
good to leave future references

- [x] Add clothings
- [x] Loadouts/Vending machines


This is default collapsed, readers click to expand it and see all your
The PR media section can get very large at times, so this is a good way
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The title is written using HTML tags
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You can add an author after the `:cl:` to change the name that appears
in the changelog (ex: `:cl: Death`)
Leaving it blank will default to your GitHub display name
This includes all available types for the changelog

- add: Xenowears! new non-human related clothings.


Signed-off-by: FoxxoTrystan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: DEATHB4DEFEAT <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: VMSolidus <[email protected]>

* ooopsie


Signed-off-by: FoxxoTrystan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: FoxxoTrystan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: DEATHB4DEFEAT <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: VMSolidus <[email protected]>

* [Port] Plushie (space-syndicate#11)

* Plushie Update! (space-syndicate#654)

This is a semi-strict format, you can add/remove sections as needed but
the order/format should be kept the same
Remove these comments before submitting

Explain this PR in as much detail as applicable

Some example prompts to consider:
How might this affect the game? The codebase?
What might be some alternatives to this?
How/Who does this benefit/hurt [the game/codebase]?

By multiple requests i bring my PR from Frontier The [PLUSHIE

This PR add a prize vendor machine where you can trade prize ticket for
a toy/plushie, to get ticket you win those in arcade machines.

This PR will give a chance for everyone to get the toys they need in a
special machine and will make plushies in general more random and fun,
in term of random spawns.



A list of everything you have to do before this PR is "complete"
You probably won't have to complete everything before merging but it's
good to leave future references

- [x] Prize Vendor
- [x] Prize Tickets
- [x] New Toys/Plushies
- [x] Prizes


This is default collapsed, readers click to expand it and see all your
The PR media section can get very large at times, so this is a good way
to keep it clean
The title is written using HTML tags
The title must be within the <summary> tags or you won't see it





You can add an author after the `:cl:` to change the name that appears
in the changelog (ex: `:cl: Death`)
Leaving it blank will default to your GitHub display name
This includes all available types for the changelog

- add: A ton of new plushies has arrived
- add: Prize counter are here, get your prizes by winning games and
getting prize tickets! and find prize balls!!

* prize counter to spawner

* Arachne Plushie (space-syndicate#531)

Added everyone's favorite Arachne as an adorable soft toy


- [x] Place plushie in spawn location(s)






- add: Plushie

* ooopsie


Co-authored-by: FoxxoTrystan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: CodedCrow <[email protected]>

* [Fix] EE Migration (space-syndicate#14)

* [Tweak] Add Einstein Engines Folders (space-syndicate#17)

* [Tweak] EE Prototypes Folder

* [Tweak] EE RU FTL

* fix dublicate

* yaml fixes


Signed-off-by: FoxxoTrystan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: FoxxoTrystan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: DEATHB4DEFEAT <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: VMSolidus <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: CodedCrow <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
5 people committed Nov 25, 2024
1 parent dd0017f commit f673c3c
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Showing 106 changed files with 2,471 additions and 130 deletions.
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions Content.Shared/Clothing/Components/EmitsSoundOnMoveComponent.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
using Robust.Shared.Audio;
using Robust.Shared.GameStates;
using Robust.Shared.Map;

namespace Content.Shared.Clothing.Components; // EinsteinEngines CODE

/// <summary>
/// Indicates that the clothing entity emits sound when it moves.
/// </summary>
[RegisterComponent, NetworkedComponent, AutoGenerateComponentState]
public sealed partial class EmitsSoundOnMoveComponent : Component
[DataField(required: true), AutoNetworkedField]
public SoundSpecifier SoundCollection = default!;

[DataField("requiresGravity"), AutoNetworkedField]
public bool RequiresGravity = true;

public EntityCoordinates LastPosition = EntityCoordinates.Invalid;

/// <summary>
/// The distance moved since the played sound.
/// </summary>
public float SoundDistance = 0f;

/// <summary>
/// Whether this item is equipped in a inventory item slot.
/// </summary>
public bool IsSlotValid = true;
96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions Content.Shared/Clothing/EntitySystems/EmitsSoundOnMoveSystem.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
using System.Numerics;
using Content.Shared.Clothing.Components;
using Content.Shared.Gravity;
using Content.Shared.Inventory;
using Content.Shared.Inventory.Events;
using Content.Shared.Mobs.Components;
using Content.Shared.Movement.Components;
using Robust.Shared.Audio.Systems;
using Robust.Shared.Physics.Components;
using Robust.Shared.Timing;

namespace Content.Shared.Clothing.Systems; // EinsteinEngines CODE

public sealed class EmitsSoundOnMoveSystem : EntitySystem
[Dependency] private readonly SharedAudioSystem _audio = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly SharedMapSystem _grid = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly SharedGravitySystem _gravity = default!;
[Dependency] private readonly IGameTiming _timing = default!;

private EntityQuery<InputMoverComponent> _moverQuery;
private EntityQuery<PhysicsComponent> _physicsQuery;
private EntityQuery<ClothingComponent> _clothingQuery;

public override void Initialize()
_moverQuery = GetEntityQuery<InputMoverComponent>();
_physicsQuery = GetEntityQuery<PhysicsComponent>();
_clothingQuery = GetEntityQuery<ClothingComponent>();

SubscribeLocalEvent<EmitsSoundOnMoveComponent, GotEquippedEvent>(OnEquipped);
SubscribeLocalEvent<EmitsSoundOnMoveComponent, GotUnequippedEvent>(OnUnequipped);

private void OnEquipped(EntityUid uid, EmitsSoundOnMoveComponent component, GotEquippedEvent args)
component.IsSlotValid = !args.SlotFlags.HasFlag(SlotFlags.POCKET);

private void OnUnequipped(EntityUid uid, EmitsSoundOnMoveComponent component, GotUnequippedEvent args)
component.IsSlotValid = true;

public override void Update(float frameTime)
var query = EntityQueryEnumerator<EmitsSoundOnMoveComponent>();
while (query.MoveNext(out var uid, out var comp))
UpdateSound(uid, comp);

private void UpdateSound(EntityUid uid, EmitsSoundOnMoveComponent component)
if (!_physicsQuery.TryGetComponent(uid, out var physics))

// Space does not transmit sound
if (Transform(uid).GridUid == null)

if (component.RequiresGravity && _gravity.IsWeightless(uid, physics, Transform(uid)))

var parent = Transform(uid).ParentUid;

var isWorn = parent is { Valid: true } &&
_clothingQuery.TryGetComponent(uid, out var clothing)
&& clothing.InSlot != null
&& component.IsSlotValid;
// If this entity is worn by another entity, use that entity's coordinates
var coordinates = isWorn ? Transform(parent).Coordinates : Transform(uid).Coordinates;
var distanceNeeded = (isWorn && _moverQuery.TryGetComponent(parent, out var mover) && mover.Sprinting)
? 1.5f // The parent is a mob that is currently sprinting
: 2f; // The parent is not a mob or is not sprinting

if (!coordinates.TryDistance(EntityManager, component.LastPosition, out var distance) || distance > distanceNeeded)
component.SoundDistance = distanceNeeded;
component.SoundDistance += distance;

component.LastPosition = coordinates;
if (component.SoundDistance < distanceNeeded)
component.SoundDistance -= distanceNeeded;

var sound = component.SoundCollection;
var audioParams = sound.Params
.WithVariation(sound.Params.Variation ?? 0f);

_audio.PlayPredicted(sound, uid, uid, audioParams);
Binary file added Resources/Audio/Effects/silence.ogg
Binary file not shown.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ent-ClothingClothWrap = тканевые обёртки
.desc = Рулон обработанной ткани, используемый для обёртки когтей и лап.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
ent-ClothingNeckOldMantle = старая обертка
.desc = Изношенная тканевая обертка, выцветшая с годами. Слабо пахнет сигарами.
ent-ClothingNeckUnathiMantle = плащ из шкур
.desc = Довольно жуткая подборка высушенных шкур и кожи, сшитых вместе, чтобы создать рваный плащ.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ent-ClothingNeckBellCollar = ошейник с колокольчиком
.desc = Способ уведомить остальных о своем присутствии или просто раздражать всех вокруг!
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ent-ClothingOuterUnathiRobe = традиционная одежда
.desc = Традиционная одежда ящеров.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
ent-PrizeTicketBase = билет на приз
.desc = Билет на приз, готовый к обмену на приз в бьюти-центре.
ent-PrizeTicket = { ent-PrizeTicketBase }
.desc = { ent-PrizeTicketBase.desc }
ent-PrizeTicket10 = { ent-PrizeTicketBase }
.desc = { ent-PrizeTicketBase.desc }
ent-PrizeTicket30 = { ent-PrizeTicketBase }
.desc = { ent-PrizeTicketBase.desc }
ent-PrizeTicket60 = { ent-PrizeTicketBase }
.desc = { ent-PrizeTicketBase.desc }
ent-PrizeTicket1 = { ent-PrizeTicketBase }
.desc = { ent-PrizeTicketBase.desc }
ent-PrizeBall = призовой шар
.desc = Интересно, что внутри!
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
ent-PetRockCarrier = переноска для камня-питомца
.desc = Ваш новый и единственный лучший друг дома!
ent-BasePetRock = камень-питомец
.desc = Ваш новый и единственный лучший друг!
ent-PetRock = { ent-BasePetRock }
.desc = { ent-BasePetRock.desc }
ent-PetRockFred = Фред
.desc = { ent-BasePetRock.desc }
ent-PetRockRoxie = Рокси
.desc = { ent-BasePetRock.desc }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
ent-PlushieArachne = плюшевая арахна
.desc = Плюшевая игрушка арахне — полулюдское, полузначное существо. Почему оно выглядит знакомо?
ent-PlushieJester = плюшевый ящер шут
.desc = Сомнительное плюшевое создание, затевающее пакости.
ent-PlushieSlips = плюшевый ящер уборщик
.desc = Тихий уборщик, его позывной подскальзун!
ent-PlushieGnome = плюшевый гном
.desc = Плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая гнома или дварфа...
ent-PlushieLoveable = плюшевый ласкатель
.desc = Плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая... какое-то существо.
ent-PlushieDeer = плюшевый олень
.desc = Плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая оленя!
ent-PlushieIpc = плюшевый ИПС
.desc = Плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая ИПС!
ent-PlushieGrey = плюшевый серый
.desc = Плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая серое существо!
ent-PlushieAbductor = плюшевый абдуктор
.desc = Плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая абдуктора!
ent-PlushieAbductorAgent = плюшевый агент абдуктор
.desc = Плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая агента абдуктора!
ent-PlushieRedFox = плюшевая красная лиса
.desc = Милая плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая красную лису!
ent-PlushiePurpleFox = плюшевая фиолетовая лиса
.desc = Милая плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая фиолетовую лису!
ent-PlushiePinkFox = плюшевая розовая лиса
.desc = Милая плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая розовую лису!
ent-PlushieOrangeFox = плюшевая оранжевая лиса
.desc = Милая плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая оранжевая лису!
ent-PlushieMarbleFox = плюшевая мраморная лиса
.desc = Милая плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая мрамортную лису!
ent-PlushieCrimsonFox = плюшевая алая лиса
.desc = Милая плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая алую лису!
ent-PlushieCoffeeFox = плюшевая кофейная лиса
.desc = Милая плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая кофейную лису!
ent-PlushieBlueFox = плюшевая синяя лиса
.desc = Милая плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая синюю лису!
ent-PlushieBlackFox = плюшевая чёрная лиса
.desc = Милая плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая чёрную лису!
ent-PlushieVulp = плюшевая вульпа
.desc = Миленькая плюшевая игрушка вульпакина, которую можно обнять без риска быть укушенным!
ent-PlushieTrystan = плюшевая офисная вульпа
.desc = Плюшевая вульпа развитая достаточно, чтоб делать йеп йеп на бумажках!
ent-PlushieCorgi = плюшевый корги
.desc = Плюшевый Иан!
ent-PlushieGirlyCorgi = плюшевая корги
.desc = Плюшевая Лиза!
ent-PlushieRobotCorgi = плюшевый робот корги
.desc = Бип-тяф!
ent-BasePlushieCat = плюшевый котёнок
.desc = Плюшевая игрушка, напоминающая милого котенка!
ent-PlushieCatBlack = плюшевый чёрный котёнок
.desc = { ent-BasePlushieCat.desc }
ent-PlushieCatGrey = плюшевый серый котёнок
.desc = { ent-BasePlushieCat.desc }
ent-PlushieCatOrange = плюшевый оранжевый котёнок
.desc = { ent-BasePlushieCat.desc }
ent-PlushieCatSiames = плюшевый сиамский котёнок
.desc = { ent-BasePlushieCat.desc }
ent-PlushieCatTabby = плюшевый табби-котёнок
.desc = { ent-BasePlushieCat.desc }
ent-PlushieCatTuxedo = плюшевый котёнок в смокинге
.desc = { ent-BasePlushieCat.desc }
ent-PlushieCatWhite = плюшевый белый котёнок
.desc = { ent-BasePlushieCat.desc }
ent-ThronglerToy = плюшевый нагибатор
.desc = { ent-Throngler.desc }
.suffix = Игрушка
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
ent-PrizeCounter = счетчик призов
.desc = Забери свой приз в виде нескольких игрушек и милых плюшек!
20 changes: 0 additions & 20 deletions Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Cargo/cargo_fun.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,26 +88,6 @@
category: cargoproduct-category-name-fun
group: market

- type: cargoProduct
id: FunPlushies
sprite: Objects/Fun/toys.rsi
state: plushie_h
product: CrateFunPlushie
cost: 1000
category: cargoproduct-category-name-fun
group: market

- type: cargoProduct
id: FunLizardPlushies
sprite: Objects/Fun/toys.rsi
state: plushie_lizard
product: CrateFunLizardPlushieBulk
cost: 500
category: cargoproduct-category-name-fun
group: market

- type: cargoProduct
id: FunBoardGames
Expand Down
30 changes: 1 addition & 29 deletions Resources/Prototypes/Catalog/Fills/Crates/fun.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,35 +40,7 @@
- id: PlushieArachind
- id: PlushiePenguin

- type: entity
id: CrateFunPlushie
parent: CrateGenericSteel
name: plushie crate
description: A buncha soft plushies. Throw them around and then wonder how you're gonna explain this purchase to NT.
- type: EntityTableContainerFill
entity_storage: !type:NestedSelector
tableId: AllPlushiesTable
rolls: !type:ConstantNumberSelector
value: 10

- type: entity
id: CrateFunLizardPlushieBulk
parent: CrateGenericSteel
name: bulk lizard plushie crate
description: A buncha soft lizard plushies. Throw them around and then wonder how you're gonna explain this purchase to NT.
- type: EntityTableContainerFill
entity_storage: !type:AllSelector
- id: PlushieLizard
amount: !type:ConstantNumberSelector
value: 3
- id: PlushieSpaceLizard
amount: !type:ConstantNumberSelector
value: 3
# Removed crates with toys because EE toys

- type: entity
id: CrateFunInstrumentsVariety
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@
ClothingHandsGlovesColorPurple: 2
ClothingEyesGlassesCheapSunglasses: 3
ClothingClothWrap: 4 # EE
ClothingMaskNeckGaiter: 2
ClothingUniformJumpsuitTacticool: 1
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
ClothingShoesBootsCowboyBrown: 1
ClothingShoesBootsCowboyBlack: 1
ClothingShoesBootsCowboyWhite: 1
ClothingNeckBellCollar: 2
ClothingOuterUnathiRobe: 1
ClothingShoesBling: 1
ClothingShoesBootsCowboyFancy: 1
Expand Down
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions Resources/Prototypes/Entities/Markers/Spawners/Random/toy.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
- FoamBlade
- PlushieGhost
- PlushieAbductorAgent # EE
rareChance: 0.03
- PlushieBee
Expand All @@ -34,6 +35,38 @@
- ToyMouse
- PlushieDiona
- PlushieArachind
- PlushieArachne # EE toys START
- PlushieAbductor
- PlushieGnome
- PlushieLoveable
- PlushieDeer
- PlushieIpc
- PlushieGrey
- PlushieRedFox
- PlushiePurpleFox
- PlushiePinkFox
- PlushieOrangeFox
- PlushieMarbleFox
- PlushieCrimsonFox
- PlushieCoffeeFox
- PlushieBlueFox
- PlushieBlackFox
- PlushieVulp
- PlushieCorgi
- PlushieGirlyCorgi
- PlushieRobotCorgi
- PlushieCatBlack
- PlushieCatGrey
- PlushieCatOrange
- PlushieCatSiames
- PlushieCatTabby
- PlushieCatTuxedo
- PlushieCatWhite
- PlushieRatvar
- PlushieNar
- PlushieTrystan
- PlushieSlips
- PlushieJester # EE toys END
chance: 0.5
offset: 0.2

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,4 +31,5 @@
- VendingMachineSoda
- VendingMachineStarkist
- VendingMachineSpaceUp
- PrizeCounter # Corvax-Next-Plushie
chance: 1

0 comments on commit f673c3c

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