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PtrMan edited this page Apr 19, 2021 · 25 revisions


rules are unnecessary, because NAL theory covers all cases.


Rules from 19NAR2 need to be modified [19NAR2 wiki]


`a =C/> b`.
|- f_missing=(1-(1-f1)*f2, (1-f1)*f2*c1*c2) if b.freq < 0.5 f_missing else f_ded

`a =C/> --b`.
|- f_missing=(1-(1-f1)*f2, (1-f1)*f2*c1*c2) if b.freq < 0.5 f_missing else f_ded


neg ded

a =C/> --b.
|-ded if freq of =/> is > 0.5
justification: We need a way to propagate neg-goals so that the agent avoids these situations.
example: if we have X =/> --alive. and goal is alive! :|: then we shouldn't do X
implementation status: implemented in master

a =C/> b.
|-ded if freq of =/> is > 0.5
justification: "if a follows from b and we don't want b then we don't want a" We need to propagate neg goals
implementation status: not yet implemented


case pos+pos or neg+neg
a =C/> b.
a =C/> b.
a =C/> b.

a =C|> b.
a =C|> b.
a =C|> b.
(=C|> is currently not implemented)

case neg+pos
a =C/> b.
--(a =C/> b).
a =C/> b.
justification:neg goals need to be handled specificially because exp() of the sentence will be to low for the task to get selected. so we just flip it with -- negation
implemented: this case isn't currently implemented

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