CryptoSaathi is a real-time cryptocurrency tracker that provides live updates on popular cryptocurrencies. It is built using modern web technologies like ReactJS, NextUI, Zustand, ReactApexCharts, and the Coingecko API.
- Real-time Price Tracking: Stay updated with real-time data for popular cryptocurrencies.
- Dynamic Charts: Visualize trends and market changes with responsive charts powered by ReactApexCharts.
- Simplified State Management: Zustand is used to manage the application's state efficiently and with minimal boilerplate.
- Modern UI: NextUI provides a sleek and user-friendly interface for a seamless user experience.
- Powered by Coingecko API: Fetch accurate and real-time crypto data from the Coingecko API.
- ReactJS: For building the user interface.
- NextUI: For responsive and modern UI components.
- Zustand: For simplified state management.
- ReactApexCharts: For rendering interactive charts.
- Tanstack Query: For efficient and declarative server-state management, including caching and updates.
- Coingecko API: For retrieving cryptocurrency data.
To view the project locally, follow these steps:
Install pnpm if not installed:
- Installation using Node
npm install -g pnpm
- For other methods of installation: PNPM docs
Install dependencies(form the node modules folder):
pnpm install
Start vite development server :
pnpm run dev