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BoardGamesCompanion Public templateBoard Games Companion is an iOS and Android app dedicated to board games enthusiasts. The app helps manage board games collection and track scores of the game plays.
planetxamarin PublicForked from planetxamarin/planetxamarin
We are an aggregator of content from Xamarin Community members. Why subscribe individually when you can subscribe to one convenient RSS feed, to see all the content generated by the community membe…
- BoardGamesCompanion Public template
Board Games Companion is an iOS and Android app dedicated to board games enthusiasts. The app helps manage board games collection and track scores of the game plays.
Progrunning/BoardGamesCompanion’s past year of commit activity - XamarinFormsPlayground Public
Progrunning/XamarinFormsPlayground’s past year of commit activity - planetxamarin Public Forked from planetxamarin/planetxamarin
We are an aggregator of content from Xamarin Community members. Why subscribe individually when you can subscribe to one convenient RSS feed, to see all the content generated by the community members in you news reader.
Progrunning/planetxamarin’s past year of commit activity - TabbedPagePlayground Public
Progrunning/TabbedPagePlayground’s past year of commit activity