>addfaq Add FAQs. You reply to the bot with the question, then the answer. Permissions Administrator, Manage server, or Kick members.
>deletefaq Delete a faq. Can be used by doing >deletefaq (Question). Permissions Administrator, Manage server, or Kick members.
>faq Fetch and read FAQ. Use >faq (Question) to show that FAQ! Permissions Send Messages
>listfaq List all of the FAQ's Questions. Permissions Send Messages
>ping Displays ping. Permissions Send Messages
>serverinfo Displays info about server. Permissions Send Messages
>userinfo Displays info about a user. Permissions Send Messages
Planned features=
Make >faq case insensitive.
Make it so only part of Question is required.
Make >editFAQ command.
Suggest features on the GitHub, in the Reviews, and in the discord support server! :)
Developed by BoredFish. This bot is under the MPL 2.0 licence. Support will be found in the support server. DMing me directly will result in me giving you a link to the support server. THESE COMMANDS DO NOT WORK IN DMs! DO NOT TRY IT THE BOT WILL NOT RESPOND!