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PrivateBin Helm Chart

This is a kubernetes chart to deploy PrivateBin.

Quick Start

To install the privatebin chart with default options:

helm repo add privatebin
helm repo update
helm install privatebin/privatebin


  1. Customize your values.yaml for your needs. Add a custom conf.php to change any default settings.

  2. Deploy with helm

    helm install \
      your-release \
      --values your-values.yaml \


See values.yaml for full documentation

Parameter Description Default
replicaCount Number of replicas 1
image.repository Container image name privatebin/nginx-fpm-alpine
image.tag Container image tag ``
image.pullPolicy Container image pull policy IfNotPresent
nameOverride Name Override ""
fullnameOverride FullName Override ""
datapath Datapath for persistent data /srv/data
controller.kind Controller kind (StatefulSet, Deployment, Both) Deployment
controller.pvc.accessModes Access Mode for PVC (only with StatefulSet) ReadWriteOnce
controller.pvc.requests Requests for PVC (only with StatefulSet) 1Gi
controller.pvc.storageClass StorageClass to use for PVC (only with StatefulSet) ""
controller.emptyDir EmptyDir for storage (only for Deployment) false
service.type Service type (ClusterIP, NodePort or LoadBalancer) ClusterIP
service.port Ports exposed by service 80
service.portName Name of exposed port, becomes LB protocol on ELB http
service.annotations Service annotations {}
ingress.enabled Enables Ingress false
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {} Ingress accepted hostnames privatebin.local
ingress.hosts.paths Ingress paths []
ingress.hosts.paths.0.path Ingress path /
ingress.hosts.paths.0.type Ingress path type Prefix
ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration []
resources Pod resource requests & limits {}
nodeSelector Node selector {}
tolerations Tolerations []
affinity Affinity or Anti-Affinity {}
topologySpreadConstraints Topology Spread Constraints []
configs Optional Privatebin configuration file {}
podAnnotations Additional annotations to add to the pods {}
additionalLabels Additional labels to add to resources {}
extraVolumes Additional volumes to add to the pods []
extraVolumeMounts Additional volume mounts to add to the pods []


Standard helm upgrade process applies.

Chart releases default to the latest stable image for PrivateBin at the time. You can find the release notes at

Running administrative scripts

The image includes two administrative scripts, which you can use to migrate from one storage backend to another, delete pastes by ID, removing empty directories when using the Filesystem backend, to purge all expired pastes and display statistics. These can be executed within the running image or by running the commands as alternative entrypoints with the same volumes attached as in the running service image, the former option is recommended.

# assuming you named your install "your-release":

$ POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pod -l "app=your-release" -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
$ kubectl exec "${POD_NAME}" -t -- administration --help
  administration [--delete <paste id> | --empty-dirs | --help | --purge | --statistics]

  -d, --delete      deletes the requested paste ID
  -e, --empty-dirs  removes empty directories (only if Filesystem storage is
  -h, --help        displays this help message
  -p, --purge       purge all expired pastes
  -s, --statistics  reads all stored pastes and comments and reports statistics

$ kubectl exec "${POD_NAME}" -t -- migrate --help
migrate - Copy data between PrivateBin backends

  migrate [--delete-after] [--delete-during] [-f] [-n] [-v] srcconfdir
  migrate [-h|--help]

  --delete-after   delete data from source after all pastes and comments have
                   successfully been copied to the destination
  --delete-during  delete data from source after the current paste and its
                   comments have successfully been copied to the destination
  -f               forcefully overwrite data which already exists at the
  -h, --help       displays this help message
  -n               dry run, do not copy data
  -v               be verbose
  <srcconfdir>     use storage backend configuration from conf.php found in
                   this directory as source
  <dstconfdir>     optionally, use storage backend configuration from conf.php
                   found in this directory as destination; defaults to: