Javascript toolkit for the (PrintReleaf API)[].
Add the printreleaf-javascript npm package to your package.json file.
npm install printreleaf-javascript -save
Complete API spec and object reference can be found here:
const printReleaf = require('printreleaf-javascript');
const apiKey = "<your PrintReleaf API key>";
const pr = new printReleaf(apiKey);
const account = pr.account.mine(); // an account object; // "a2c031fa-6599-4939-8bc6-8128881953c4"; // "My Account"
account.role; // "customer"
account.created_at; // "2014-03-06T23:06:23+00:00"
account.parent_id; // nil
account.status; // "active"
account.activated_at; // "2014-03-06T23:06:23+00:00"
account.deactivated_at; // nil
account.accounts_count; // 2
account.users_count; // 2
account.mtd_pages; // 1234
account.qtd_pages; // 12345
account.ytd_pages; // 123456
account.lifetime_pages; // 1234567
account.mtd_trees; // 0.15
account.qtd_trees; // 1.48
account.ytd_trees; // 14.82
account.lifetime_trees; // 148.1
const accounts = pr.accounts.list(); // returns an array of account objects
const account = pr.accounts.find("a2c031fa-6599-4939-8bc6-8128881953c4"); // account object with given id
const account = pr.accounts.create({name: "Account A"}); // new account object with name "Account A"
const updatedAccount = pr.accounts.update("a2c031fa-6599-4939-8bc6-8128881953c4", {name: "Account B"}) // updated account object with
const activatedAccount = pr.accounts.activate("a2c031fa-6599-4939-8bc6-8128881953c4"); // account with status 'active'
const deactivatedAccount = pr.accounts.deactivate("a2c031fa-6599-4939-8bc6-8128881953c4"); // account with status 'inactive'
const certificats = pr.certificates.list(); // returns an array of certificate objects
const certificate = pr.certificates.find("ae630937-e15b-4da5-98de-bb68eefe2a12"); // returns a certificate with given id; // "ae630937-e15b-4da5-98de-bb68eefe2a12"
certificate.account_id; // "971d10ac-a912-42c0-aa41-f55adc7b6755"; // "2017-02-28T23:59:59Z"
certificate.pages; // 2469134
certificate.trees; // 296.31
certificate.project_id; // "5d3b468f-c0a3-4e7c-bed4-2dcce9d3f0f9"
certificate.url; // "",
certificate.pdf_url; // ""
const deposits = pr.deposits.list(); // returns an array of deposit objects
const deposit = pr.deposits.find("a86d591c-3c29-4bef-82c3-7a007fb6b19c"); // returns a deposit object with the given id; // "a86d591c-3c29-4bef-82c3-7a007fb6b19c"
deposit.account_id; // "971d10ac-a912-42c0-aa41-f55adc7b6755"
deposit.source_id; // "44e182ed-cd50-4fa1-af90-e77dd6d6a78c"
deposit.source; // #<PrintReleaf::Source>; // "2016-07-05T12:29:12Z"
deposit.pages; // 20000
deposit.width; // 0.2127
deposit.height; // 0.2762
deposit.density; // 216.0
deposit.paper_type_id; // "a11c7abc-011e-462f-babb-3c6375fa6473
const deposit = pr.deposits.create({pages: 16666}); // returns a newly created deposit object
const deposit = pr.deposits.delete("a86d591c-3c29-4bef-82c3-7a007fb6b19c");
deposit.delete; // true
const invitations = pr.invitations.list(); // returns an array of invitation objects
const invitation = pr.invitations.find("26370b1e-15a5-4449-b3b1-622e99003d3f"); // returns an invitation object with given id; // "26370b1e-15a5-4449-b3b1-622e99003d3f"
invitation.account_id; // "971d10ac-a912-42c0-aa41-f55adc7b6755"; // "[email protected]"
invitation.created_at; // "2016-03-07T00:04:09Z
const invitation = pr.invitations.create({email: "[email protected]"}); // returns a newly created invitaiton object
const invitation = pr.invitations.delete("26370b1e-15a5-4449-b3b1-622e99003d3f");
invitation.delete; // true
const servers = pr.servers.list(); // returns an array of server objects
const server = pr.servers.find("eadabb78-b199-43cb-adbd-ab36ce5c5a10");; // "eadabb78-b199-43cb-adbd-ab36ce5c5a10"
server.account_id; // "a2c031fa-6599-4939-8bc6-8128881953c4"
server.type; // "fmaudit"
server.url; // ""
server.username; // "MyFMAuditUsername"
server.created_at; // "2015-03-07T00:04:09Z"
const server = pr.servers.create({
type: "printfleet",
url: "",
username: "MyPrintFleetUsername",
password: "MyPrintFleetPassword"
}); // returns newly created server object
const server = pr.servers.update("eadabb78-b199-43cb-adbd-ab36ce5c5a10", {
username: "MyNewUsername"
}); // returns newly updated server object
const server = pr.servers.delete("eadabb78-b199-43cb-adbd-ab36ce5c5a10");
server.delete; // true
const sources = pr.sources.list(); // returns an array of source objects
const source = pr.sources.find("44e182ed-cd50-4fa1-af90-e77dd6d6a78c"); // returns source object with given id; // "44e182ed-cd50-4fa1-af90-e77dd6d6a78c"
source.account_id; // "971d10ac-a912-42c0-aa41-f55adc7b6755"
source.type; // "fmaudit"
source.server_id; // "eadabb78-b199-43cb-adbd-ab36ce5c5a10"
source.external_id; // "456"
source.collection_scope; // "managed_only"
source.created_at; // "2016-03-07T00:04:09Z"
source.status; // "active"
source.activated_at; // "2016-03-07T00:04:09Z"
source.deactivated_at; // nil
source.health_check; // "healthy"
source.health_check_checked_at; // "2017-03-07T00:04:09Z"
source.health_check_changed_at; // "2017-03-07T00:04:09Z"
const source = pr.sources.create({
type: "printfleet",
server_id: "9a6a1ced-4e71-4919-9d6d-25075834c404",
external_id: "732ec0d3-20e3-439e-94e6-e64b40eb533a"
}); // returns newly created source object
const source = pr.sources.update("44e182ed-cd50-4fa1-af90-e77dd6d6a78c", {
external_id: "abc123"
}); // returns newly updates source object
const source = pr.sources.activate("44e182ed-cd50-4fa1-af90-e77dd6d6a78c"); // account with status 'active'
const source = pr.sources.deactivate("44e182ed-cd50-4fa1-af90-e77dd6d6a78c"); // account with status 'inactive'
const source = pr.sources.delete("44e182ed-cd50-4fa1-af90-e77dd6d6a78c");
source.delete; // true;
const transactions = pr.transactions.list(); // returns an array of transaction objects
const transaction = pr.transactions.find("70af5540-e3ec-4db7-bc45-4fb65b74368b"); // returns a transaction object with given id; // "70af5540-e3ec-4db7-bc45-4fb65b74368b"
transaction.account_id; // "971d10ac-a912-42c0-aa41-f55adc7b6755"
transaction.project_id; // "692bb68d-64aa-4a79-8a08-d373fb0d8752"
transaction.certificate_id; // "70af5540-e3ec-4db7-bc45-4fb65b74368b"; // "2015-10-22T01:52:12Z"
transaction.trees; // 63.048
transaction.items; // array of transaction items
// providing trees
const transaction = pr.transaction.create({trees: 2.0}); // returns a newly created transaction
// or providing raw paper specs:
const transaction = pr.transactions.create({
items: [
pages: 20000,
width: 0.2127,
height: 0.2762,
paper_type_id: "a11c7abc-011e-462f-babb-3c6375fa6473"
pages: 400000,
width: 0.2127,
height: 0.2762,
paper_type_id: "bbd0f271-2f9e-494c-b2af-7f9354b310ad"
}); // returns a newly created transaction
const transaction = pr.transactions.delete("70af5540-e3ec-4db7-bc45-4fb65b74368b");
transaction.delete; // true
const users = pr.users.list(); // returns an array of user objects
const user = pr.users.find("5f25569f-ec0d-4ff3-a6ce-0456ac79b84d");; // "5f25569f-ec0d-4ff3-a6ce-0456ac79b84d"
user.account_id; // "971d10ac-a912-42c0-aa41-f55adc7b6755"; // "Sally Example"; // "[email protected]"
user.created_at; // "2015-03-07T00:04:09Z
const user = pr.users.delete("5f25569f-ec0d-4ff3-a6ce-0456ac79b84d");
user.delete; // true
const volumes = pr.volumes.list(); // returns an array of volume objects
const volume = volumes[0];
volume.account_id; // "971d10ac-a912-42c0-aa41-f55adc7b6755"; // "2017-01-01T07:00:00Z"
volume.pages; // 234567
volume.trees; // 56.3
const volumes = pr.volumes.list({
start_date: "2017-03-01",
end_date: "2017-03-03",
period: "daily"
}); // returns an array of volume objects
const projects = pr.projects.list(); // returns an array of project objects
constant project = pr.projeects.find("5d3b468f-c0a3-4e7c-bed4-2dcce9d3f0f9"); // returns a project with given id; // "5d3b468f-c0a3-4e7c-bed4-2dcce9d3f0f9"; // "Madagascar"
project.status; // "active"
project.forest_latitude; // -15.735844444444444
project.forest_longitude; // 46.35879166666667
project.content_logo; // ""
project.content_masthead; // ""
project.content_introduction; // "Madagascar, due to its isolation from the rest of the world..."
project.content_body_html; // "<h1>Madagascar is one of the most threatened ecosystems on the planet..."
project.content_images; // ["", ...]
const paperTypes = pr.paperTypes.list(); // retruns an array of paper typer objects
const paperType = pr.paperTypes.find("a11c7abc-011e-462f-babb-3c6375fa6473"); // returns paper type with given id; // "a11c7abc-011e-462f-babb-3c6375fa6473"
paper_type.account_id; // "a2c031fa-6599-4939-8bc6-8128881953c4"; // "80# #2 Gloss Cover"
paper_type.density; // 216.0
const paperType = pr.paperTypes.create({
name: "20# Bond/Writing/Ledger",
density: 74.0
}); // returns a newly created paper type
const paperType = pr.paperTypes.delete("a11c7abc-011e-462f-babb-3c6375fa6473");
paperType.delete; // true
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The npm package is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.