源於開源的注音倉頡輸入法前端, 基於著名的RIME輸入法框架, 使用JNI的C語言和安卓的Java語言書寫, 旨在保護漢語各地方言母語, 音碼形碼通用的輸入法平臺。
- 開發:osfans
- 貢獻:boboIqiqi、Bambooin、senchi96、heiher、abay、iovxw、huyz-git
- 維基:xiaoqun2016、boboIqiqi
- 翻譯:天真可愛的滿滿(繁體中文)、點解(英文)
- 鍵盤:天真可愛的滿滿、皛筱晓小笨鱼、吴琛11、熊貓阿Bo、默默ㄇㄛˋ
- 捐贈:Releases中的“打賞”實時更新
- 社區:在Issues、QQ羣811142286、酷安、Google Play、貼吧中反饋意見的網友
- 項目:RIME、OpenCC、注音倉頡輸入法等開源項目
- 最初,輸入法是寫給泰如拼音(tae5 rv2)的,中文名爲“泰如輸入法”。
- 然後,添加了吳語等方言碼表,做成了一個輸入法平臺,更名爲“漢字方言輸入法”。
- 後來,兼容了五筆、兩筆等形碼,在太空衛士、徵羽的建議下,更名爲“同文輸入法平臺2.x”。寓意音碼形碼同臺,方言官話同文。
- 之後,藉助JNI技術,享受了librime的成果,升級爲“同文輸入法平臺3.x”,簡稱“同文輸入法”。
- 所以,TRIME是Tongwen RIME或是ThaeRvInputMEthod的縮寫。
Clone the project, pay attention it will take a while for large submodule boost and make sure your disk is enough to hold the source(about 1.5GB).
cd $your_folder
git clone --recursive https://github.com/osfans/trime.git trime
If you want to test the application, run the command:
cd $trime_folder
make debug
Or you can build signed application for release and make sure you create a file named gradle.properties which contains:
for signing information. And run the command:
cd $trime_folder
make release
The following guide is for the specific platform prebuild setting:
yaourt -S android-{ndk,sdk,sdk-build-tools,sdk-platform-tools,platform} gradle clang capnproto make release
Other Linux distributions
Use the package manager to install the dev environment and Android SDK NDK.
Install Android SDK and NDK (You'd better install it by Android Studio or manually instead of by Homebrew).
Install Homebrew and set Homebrew mirror of it if your network is slow.
brew install automake cmake opencc boost python gradle doxygen clang capnp
Set the path environment in ~/.bashrc if you use bash like this
# Android export ANDROID_HOME="your_android_sdk" export ANDROID_NDK="your_android_ndk" export PATH=${PATH}:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$ANDROID_NDK
- Boost C++ Libraries (Boost Software License)
- Cap'n Proto (MIT License)
- darts-clone (New BSD License)
- LevelDB (New BSD License)
- libiconv (LGPL License)
- marisa-trie (BSD License)
- minilog (New BSD License)
- OpenCC (Apache License 2.0)
- RIME (BSD License)
- snappy(BSD License)
- UTF8-CPP (Boost Software License)
- yaml-cpp (MIT License)
- 注音倉頡輸入法 (Apache License 2.0)