Binge Flix :
(A React based application for cinema lovers!)
Looking for the most talked about tv shows, movies from all around the world? They're all on Binge Flix ! Binge Flix is an online streaming service that offers a wide variety of award winning tv shows, movies, documentaries etc. for the viewers. It is a fully responsive React based web application for cinema lovers. This application allows users to create a profile on Binge Flix, the authorized users can then enjoy unlimited access to various tv shows/movies and web series.
Modules/ Major Functions:
The Login Screen: The authentication of the user is done using Firebase Authentication (using an email id and a password). The email id and the password of the user is captured and stored on Firestore.
TMDB API: The movies/shows/tv series are not hardcoded but are programmatically fetched from an API called TMDB(The Movie Database) using an API key. TMDB offers extensive metadata for movies, tv shows and people.
Search Functionality: Binge Flix also offers a search functionality for the authorized users to search and sort their favorite movies and tv shows by providing keywords.
Description: A user can also get a brief overview about the movie along with the cast and the genre of the movie.
Trailer: We also implemented a trailer functionality by which the user can also watch trailers for the requested movies/shows.
Tools/ technologies used :
The beautiful UI of Binge Flix is built using React (JavaScript Library).
Binge Flix is fully responsive, whether you watch it on tablet, mobile or on a large size laptop or a desktop computer.
TMDB API is used for fetching movies and videos.
Redux & React
Sass (grid & flexbox)
Media queries
Swiper JS
Firebase ( Firebase Authentication + Firestore + Hosting )
Video Walkthrough:
You can check out the deployed app here 👉🏻
Author : ✍🏻 "Damini Pandey"