This library implements extractor objects along with apply
factory methods
for the JavaParser AST.
For example:
// package jp4s.ast.statement
type If = IfStmt // com.github.javaparser.ast.stmt.IfStmt
object If {
def apply(condition: Expression, thenStmt: Statement, elseStmt: Optional[Statement]): If =
new If(condition, thenStmt, elseStmt.orElseNull)
def unapply(i: If): Some[(Expression, Statement, Optional[Statement])] =
Some((i.getCondition, i.getThenStmt, i.getElseStmt))
Generally, we prefer a shortened name of the factory object
to improve code conciseness for matching with multi-level patterns.
There are suffices like Stmt
and Expr
in the original AST classes
that are dropped to form shorter names.
You may see below for a detailed example.
Type aliases under the same names are also provided together as 1-to-1 mapping to the original AST types in a manner to minimize issues in importing factory objects while it is still necessary to refer to the original AST types.
Please refer to instructions on JitPack.
resolvers += "jitpack" at ""
libraryDependencies += "io.github.portfoligno" % "javaparser-for-scala" % VERSION
repositories {
maven(url = "")
dependencies {
// Join variable declarations and assignments
compilationUnit.walk {
case block: Block =>
val variableTypes = mutable.Map[String, Type]()
block.getStatements.removeIf {
// Search for variables initializing as `null`
case Execute(Variables(
JavaList(), // No modifiers
JavaList(), // No annotations
t, // The variable type
// Only a variable is declared in the statement
JavaList(), // No array brackets on the name side
lhs, // The variable name
Present(NullLiteral()) // Initializing as null
)) =>
variableTypes += lhs -> t // Store the variable type for later use
// Search for variable reassignments
case execute @ Execute(Assign.Plain(Name(lhs), rhs)) =>
// Turn it into a declaration
variableTypes(lhs), // Use the stored variable type
lhs, // Keep the variable name
Present(rhs) // Keep the value expression
// Ignore anything else
case _ =>
case _ =>