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Blockchain Name Service SDK

📖 Introduction

Blockchain Name Service include serveral protocol's SDK to resolution BNS, such as resolver, address, multihash and more.

🔍 Requirement

NodeJS is a javascript runtime build on Chrome’s V8 engine. npm is the package manager for NodeJS. Use the official installer from Install the one which says "Recommended for Most Users"

💡 Get Start

Use this commands in the console:

npm install bns-sdk --save

📝 Usage

Ethereum Name Service

Include the module you need. Initialize it with endpoint and specify the network ID.

const Ethereum = require("../../lib/BNS").Ethereum
const ethereum = new Ethereum({
  restURL: ``,
	networkId: '3'
  • networkId:
    • 1: The endpoint is main net.
    • 3: The endpoint is test net.

Class: EthereumNameService

EthereumNameService allows users to resolve a domain name and get the context, address or multihash related to it. The following exapmle shows how to get resolver of a domain.

(async () => {
  try {
    const resolver = await ethereum.EthereumNameService.getResolver("portalnetwork.eth")
  } catch (error) {


  • node: a domain name you want to look up.
  • Return: the resolver address of the domain.

The function allows users to look up domain's resolver address.


  • node: a domain name you want to look up.
  • Return: the binded address of the domain.

The function allows users to look up domain's binded address.


  • node: a domain name you want to look up.
  • Return: the binded content of the domain.

The function allows users to look up domain's binded content.


  • node: a domain name you want to look up.
  • Return: the binded multihash of the domain.

The function allows users to look up domain's binded multihash.

📣 Contributing

See for how to help out.

🗒 Licence

See LICENSE for details.