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K8s proxy image swapper

This project patches pods' images on container and initContainers to proxy them from dockerhub to another registry (configurable via the variable PROXY_URL).

The goal is to counteract dockerhub rate limit by caching locally. (Note that this project only patches images name, to redirect them on a proxy registry; the official docker-registry can be configured as a proxy registry).

Patching is done automatically, there is no need to change anything on your deployments.

Images patched by k8s-proxy-image-swapper (k8s-pisw) also have a label "k8s-proxy-image-swapper: patched-image", to recognize them.


To use this you need to create a secret which is a valid k8s secret. In order to do that the script ./ will help you.

Currently the following command should be used :

./ --secret k8s-proxy-image-swapper-tls-secret --namespace kube-system --service k8s-pisw

Certificate is valid for one year.

Afterwards you can use the helm chart in ./chart to deploy this software. You need to have the image of the patcher built and pushed on a custom registry, because no exception is currently made on k8s-proxy-image-swapper (self). You need to provide the base64 of the CA for the cluster. Further details are available in ./chart/values.yaml.


In case of issue with image patching, to remove image-swapper, use the following command:

kubectl delete mutatingwebhookconfiguration k8s-proxy-image-swapper-webhook

This will delete the webhook and unblock your cluster. Upgrade the chart to reinstate the webhook.

Inner working

This software uses MutatingWebHook (from dynamic admission control in k8s) to patch the image field in a pod (containers and initContainers) to use a proxy registry (docker registry for instance).

See the unit tests in mutate/mutate_test.go for patching examples. Note that the image must be stored in a registry different than the Docker Hub. Otherwise you may have a chicken and egg problem.

The simple solution to unblock yourself when the proxy doesn't work for instance is to simply delete the mutating webhook : kubectl delete MutatingWebHookConfiguration -n kube-system k8s-proxy-image-swapper-webhook


Contributions implies licensing those contributions under the terms of LICENSE.

The GitHub repository is the official repository.

To contribute you need a GitHub account.

Opening issues

Please make sure there is no open issue on the topic.

Submitting changes

Please format the commit messages according to semantic-release.

A good commit message includes relevant information about why a change has been made (this might also be a good idea to put this kind of information in comments), so that other developers can later understand why a change was made.

The project follows a semver versionning scheme.


  • ./main.go contains the setup code and configuration code.
  • ./mutate contains the code that patches the images. (if you ever modify this code, please run the tests and add or modify the tests accordingly).
  • ./chart contains the chart to deploy the software.
  • ./tests contains some manifests to help test the software.


The Docker image can be build with the Dockerfile with :

docker build .

Or with Nix :

nix build .#packages.x86_64-linux.oci-k8s-proxy-image-swapper