Script to verify that the accounts in the sheets have contributed to the crowdloan
To run the Node.js code, you need to have Node.js installed on your system.
Follow these steps to run the script:
Clone the project
Run "npm i" on the terminal
Locate the json file you want to run the script on and copy it to the project's directory
In the script.js file ,import the json file you want to run the script on, ensure the data is in json format.
Hers is an example -
const bifrost = require("./bifrost.json");
Replac the destination address witht the your destination address
const destinationAddress = "your destination address";
Replace the file name here in the mainFn function with the file name you imported.
const mainFn = async () => { for (let k = 0; k < bifrost.length; k++) { const element = bifrost[k]; };
. -
Run "node script.js"
For all the accounts that contributed, the scripts prints "amount contributed" on the terminal and "account id didnt contribute" for the accounts which didnt contribute.
At the end all the reviewed accounts who contribute get stored in a new json file (check.json) with their details.
You will be able to see a check.json file in the project directory.